Why ‘Tampon Tim’ is not the insult team Trump thinks it is

#TamponTim: Embracing Progress in Menstrual Equity

When the hashtag #TamponTim emerged on social media, it initially sparked excitement. As an advocate for menstrual equity for over a decade, I was heartened that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was recognized for his leadership in this crucial area.

However, the truth is that Governor Walz’s actions are not just commendable; they are groundbreaking.

Eliminating the Tampon Tax

By removing the tampon tax, Minnesota became one of the few states to acknowledge the absurdity of taxing essential health products. Currently, 21 states continue to impose tampon taxes. The average menstruator spends approximately $13.25 monthly on menstrual products, amounting to over $6,000 in a lifetime. Eliminating the tampon tax can significantly reduce this financial burden and address economic inequalities.

Free Menstrual Products in Public Schools

Governor Walz’s administration also implemented policies ensuring the availability of free menstrual products in public school bathrooms. This move is essential for students who may experience their first periods unexpectedly or lack access to products at home. According to a 2019 study by Plan International USA, 1 in 5 girls in the U.S. has missed school due to lack of access to menstrual products. Period poverty is a real issue in our country, and providing free products in schools can help mitigate this problem.

Moreover, leaders who acknowledge these issues also help destigmatize menstruation and prevent shame and embarrassment for something that is entirely natural. Their actions demonstrate a genuine commitment to supporting the well-being and dignity of all people who menstruate.

#TamponTim: A Symbol of Progress

Governor Walz’s push to provide menstrual products in all gendered bathrooms is the source of his amusing, supposedly derogatory nickname. However, I believe this name should be embraced and celebrated.

Walz’s progressive policies stand in stark contrast to the wave of regressive legislation sweeping across the U.S. Laws like Florida’s “Don’t Say Period” bill, which restricts discussions about menstruation in schools for students under 12, are blatant attacks on freedom and speech. They are detrimental to the health and dignity of our young people, regardless of their menstrual status.

The Dangers of Period Policing

In other states, there are moves to subpoena menstrual data, which has the potential to be weaponized against people in states where abortion access is restricted. Missouri and Florida lawmakers proposed bills in 2022 to require the tracking of menstrual cycles for minors, raising significant concerns about potential misuse of such data in states with restrictive abortion laws.

Such practices can have serious health and social consequences, underscoring the need for careful consideration of privacy and ethical implications. Unfortunately, periods have been used as a political football in other political fights. Anti-trans, anti-abortion, anti-sex education, and pro-religion-in-schools groups continually use the policing of periods as a means to achieve other ends.

Today, there are more laws regulating periods in America than in many other countries, highlighting a troubling trend. Governor Walz is a rare example of a politician willing to take a stand for menstrual equity, and we need more like him.

Menstrual Equity as a Human Right

The Desai Foundation, where I serve as director, has been working in menstrual equity across India for the past 15 years. We have witnessed firsthand the consequences of ignorance, debilitating stigmas, limited access to products, and other aspects of menstrual equity that impact health, education, and economic empowerment.

It is crucial to build a coalition of policymakers across the U.S. who recognize that menstrual equity is a matter of basic human rights. As we approach future elections, we must remember that people who menstruate are also voters, and they represent a large voting bloc.

Politicians who advocate for menstrual equity are likely to gain support from voters who prioritize health, gender equality, and reproductive rights. A 2021 YouGov survey revealed that 60% of Americans support eliminating the tampon tax. Imagine how that could translate to votes in a presidential election.

Let us encourage more of our representatives to earn nicknames like #TamponTim by supporting initiatives that make a tangible difference in people’s lives and advance the cause of menstrual equity.