What special counsel David Weiss wants to show at Hunter Biden’s tax trial

The Criminal Tax Case Against Hunter Biden: A Comprehensive Overview

The criminal tax case against Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is taking shape ahead of his trial set for next month, with a new court filing providing insight into special counsel David Weiss’ approach.

Alleged Financial Misdeeds

According to the filing, federal prosecutors aim to introduce testimony from an associate who they claim Biden conspired with to aid a Romanian businessman facing bribery charges. They allege that Biden and the associate received compensation from a foreign principal intending to influence U.S. policy and public opinion related to the Romanian investigation.

Prosecutors also seek to present evidence of Biden’s business dealings with a Chinese energy conglomerate and his compensation for his role on the board of a Ukrainian energy industrial conglomerate.

Defense Arguments

Biden’s defense team has requested that the judge exclude allegations of improper political influence or corruption, contending that such accusations are irrelevant to the tax charges. They argue that these allegations stem from conspiracy theories and would unfairly prejudice the jury.

Prosecutors’ Rebuttal

Prosecutors have countered that Biden did receive compensation from a foreign principal with the intent to sway U.S. policy and public opinion, as alleged in the indictment. They maintain that this evidence is relevant and not unduly prejudicial.

Significance of the Case

The case against Hunter Biden has drawn considerable attention due to his position as the president’s son. The prosecution’s strategy of introducing evidence of Biden’s alleged financial misdeeds beyond the tax charges is a notable development.

Trial Dynamics

As is typical in criminal cases, both sides seek to control the scope of evidence presented at trial. The defense aims to limit the prosecution’s case to the specific charges, while prosecutors seek a broader narrative to support their allegations of criminality.


The outcome of the trial remains uncertain. The defense faces an uphill battle in preventing the introduction of evidence that could paint a damaging picture of Hunter Biden’s business practices.