What Kieran Trippier was drinking after going down with cramp vs Serbia finally revealed

Kieran Trippier’s Cramp Cure: The Surprising Benefits of Pickle Juice

During England’s 1-0 victory over Serbia in Euro 2024, Kieran Trippier briefly left the field due to muscle cramps. Upon his return, he was spotted drinking a mysterious substance. The mystery has now been solved: it was pickle juice.

Trippier’s use of pickle juice is not an isolated incident. In various sports, especially those demanding endurance, pickle juice is increasingly recognized as an effective remedy for cramps.

How Pickle Juice Works

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that can be triggered by various factors, including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and muscle fatigue. Pickle juice addresses these issues with its unique composition.

Pickle juice contains high levels of sodium, potassium, and vinegar. Sodium and potassium are essential electrolytes that help regulate muscle function and hydration. Vinegar, on the other hand, triggers a reflex in the mouth that sends a signal to the muscles to relax.

Dr. Mayur Ranchordas, a sport nutrition and exercise metabolism expert, explains the mechanism behind pickle juice’s efficacy: “It replaces lost sodium and salts, but more importantly, it triggers a reflex that stops muscles from cramping.” This explains why drinking pickle juice at the onset of cramps can provide rapid relief.

Pickle Juice in Sports

Pickle juice’s popularity as a cramp remedy has spread to various sports. In tennis, where endurance is crucial, several players have utilized it to combat cramps. Notably, Carlos Alcaraz, the 2022 Wimbledon champion, used pickle juice during his historic victory over Novak Djokovic.

Other sports where pickle juice is used include running, cycling, and even football. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it can reduce cramp frequency and severity in athletes.

Beyond Cramp Relief

Besides its anti-cramping effects, pickle juice offers additional benefits. It is a rich source of probiotics, which support gut health. Additionally, it contains antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and protect against oxidative stress.

While pickle juice is generally safe for consumption, it is essential to note that it is high in sodium. Individuals with hypertension or kidney problems should consult a healthcare professional before using pickle juice regularly.


Kieran Trippier’s use of pickle juice highlights the effectiveness of this unique substance in alleviating muscle cramps. Its ability to replenish electrolytes, trigger muscle relaxation, and provide additional health benefits makes it an appealing option for athletes seeking to improve their performance and prevent cramps.

The next time you experience muscle cramps, consider trying pickle juice. It may just be the surprising solution you need to get back in the game.