Vague de chaleur : ce week-end, la France va connaître un nouvel épisode de fortes chaleurs

New Heat Wave to Hit France, Including During Olympic Marathon

France is set to experience a new heat wave, with temperatures soaring across the country, particularly over the weekend of August 10-11. The heat wave is expected to intensify already high temperatures in the Mediterranean region and spread northward, with extreme temperatures persisting through Monday.

Rising Temperatures

According to Météo France, temperatures will reach around 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) in most regions on Saturday afternoon. Biarritz is expected to reach 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) and Montpellier 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). Nighttime temperatures will remain above 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) in most areas, dropping below that only in Finistère and the Grand Est.

Sunday is forecast to bring even higher temperatures as a hotter air mass moves across the country. The northern half of France is expected to see temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit), while Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Corsica, and southwestern France could reach 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). Nighttime temperatures are also expected to rise, with Paris reaching 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees Fahrenheit), Marseille 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), and La Rochelle 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit).

Water Temperatures Also High

The heat wave is also affecting the seas and oceans around France, with water temperatures higher than seasonal norms in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. On Monday, August 5, water temperatures reached 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) on the Basque coast and at least 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit) on the Côte d’Azur and in Corsica.

Health Precautions

Météo France advises those in areas with high heat warnings to stay hydrated, avoid going outside during the hottest hours of the day, ventilate rooms at night, and wear light clothing. Special attention should be given to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, the sick, and infants.

Impact on Olympic Marathon

The heat wave is expected to coincide with the Olympic marathon, scheduled for the evening of August 10. Concerns have been raised about the impact of the extreme temperatures on the runners’ health and performance. Organizers have taken measures to mitigate the effects of the heat, including providing additional water stations and shaded areas along the course.


The heat wave is expected to persist through Monday, with possible thunderstorms on Tuesday. Temperatures are forecast to remain above average throughout the week.

Much of Europe is also experiencing a heat wave, highlighting the growing impact of climate change on weather patterns.