UFC boss Dana White didn’t hesitate when asked if MMA should be an Olympic sport

Should MMA Become an Olympic Sport? UFC CEO Dana White, Daniel Cormier Weigh In

Mixed martial arts (MMA), a rapidly growing sport popularized by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), has sparked debate over its potential inclusion in the Olympic Games.

Dana White’s Stance:

UFC CEO Dana White firmly believes MMA deserves a place in the Olympics as a separate event. He argues that:

  • MMA has gained significant popularity and viewership.
  • It could boost Olympic viewership, addressing the sport’s current challenges.

White believes the International Olympic Committee (IOC) should initiate the push for MMA’s inclusion.

Daniel Cormier’s Counterarguments:

Former Olympic wrestler Daniel Cormier disagrees with White, stating that MMA is “too hard” to be an Olympic sport due to:

  • The need for multiple cages in one venue.
  • Safety concerns, requiring restrictions on techniques (e.g., elbows, certain kicks).
  • Increased risk of injuries in a multi-cage format.

Arguments for MMA’s Inclusion:

Proponents of MMA’s inclusion in the Olympics highlight its:

  • Growing global fan base and commercial success.
  • Potential to attract younger viewers and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Alignment with the Olympic values of physical excellence, sportsmanship, and fair play.

Arguments against MMA’s Inclusion:

Skeptics raise concerns about:

  • The risk of promoting violence and glorifying injuries.
  • Potential conflicts between MMA organizations and the IOC’s governing body.
  • The need for additional infrastructure and resources to accommodate MMA events.

IOC’s Role:

The IOC ultimately holds the decision-making power on whether to include MMA in the Olympics. It will consider various factors, including:

  • The sport’s popularity and global appeal.
  • Safety and injury risks.
  • Potential conflicts with existing Olympic sports.
  • Alignment with the Olympic Charter.


The debate over MMA’s inclusion in the Olympics remains ongoing. Dana White’s advocacy for its inclusion faces challenges raised by Daniel Cormier and others. The IOC will ultimately decide based on a comprehensive evaluation of various factors. If MMA is included, it could significantly impact the Olympic Games, attracting new viewers and showcasing the athleticism and skill of MMA fighters.