Trump lies about his history of targeting Hillary Clinton

Trump’s Fabrications: Distorting History to Protect Himself

Lies and Counter-narratives in the Mar-a-Lago Press Conference

In a lengthy and rambling press conference at Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of lies, one of which was particularly striking: his rhetoric about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump claimed that he could have “done things” to Clinton that would have “made heads spin,” but refrained because he held back from jailing her. He painted himself as a protector of Clinton, despite her being a former senator and Cabinet secretary, not merely a president’s wife.

However, Trump’s version of events is a blatant distortion of reality. Evidence shows that throughout his presidency and beyond, Trump relentlessly pushed for Clinton’s prosecution, even when there was no basis for it.

Trump’s Obsession with Clinton

Regular readers of Trump’s rhetoric are aware of his relentless demands for Clinton’s prosecution. In the lead-up to the 2016 election, he publicly and privately urged prosecutors to charge her. Even after his own defeat in 2020, Trump continued to call for Clinton’s incarceration.

Trump’s efforts to pursue Clinton were not secret. They were conducted in full view of the public. He lobbied then-Attorney General William Barr to prosecute her for unknown reasons, despite the absence of evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

Countering the “Lock Her Up” Chants

Trump’s claim that he was uncomfortable with his supporters’ “lock her up” chants and that he instructed them to “just relax” is also false. In reality, he actively encouraged these chants and joined in with them.

A recent Washington Post report revealed numerous instances where Trump explicitly called for Clinton’s imprisonment. He not only failed to discourage the chants, but he embraced them and used them as a tool to appease his base.

Clinton’s Innocence and Trump’s Guilt

It is important to note that there was no basis for prosecuting Clinton. In contrast, a jury recently found Trump guilty of 34 felonies.

The contrast between their legal situations highlights the hypocrisy of Trump’s rhetoric. He seeks to portray himself as a magnanimous victor who protected his rival, while in reality, he was desperate to use the power of the federal government to persecute his enemies.

Weaponizing the Law

Trump’s attempts to prosecute Clinton reveal his willingness to weaponize law enforcement for political purposes. He sought to use the criminal justice system to punish those he perceives as opponents, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

This behavior is a violation of democratic principles and undermines the rule of law. It is essential to hold those in power accountable for their actions and to prevent them from abusing their authority.


Trump’s lies about Hillary Clinton are not just isolated incidents. They are part of a broader pattern of historical revisionism aimed at protecting himself from accountability. His rhetoric distorts reality and attempts to rewrite history to suit his own purposes.

It is important to remember the truth and to reject Trump’s false narratives. By holding him accountable for his actions and exposing his lies, we can help to preserve the integrity of our democracy and ensure that justice prevails.