Texas nursing student’s kidnapping, murder solved after 44 years: Police

DNA Helps Solve 40-Year-Old Murder Case

In a stunning breakthrough, a 78-year-old man has been charged with the 1980 murder of 25-year-old Susan Leigh Wolfe. This arrest marks a significant development in a case that has haunted investigators for over four decades.

The Tragic Crime

On January 9, 1980, Wolfe, a promising nursing student at the University of Texas at Austin, was kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and brutally murdered. Her body was discovered the following morning in an alley with evidence of strangulation and a gunshot wound to the head.

Witnesses reported seeing Wolfe being abducted by a man who grabbed her in a “bear hug” and forced her into the back of a car. Despite extensive investigations, the case remained unsolved for years.

The Long Road to Justice

Over the years, investigators tirelessly pursued leads and conducted interviews with numerous suspects. In 2023, a breakthrough occurred when DNA evidence from the sexual assault was submitted for testing.

The results identified a male profile that did not match any of the previously interviewed suspects. This profile was then entered into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a national database of DNA profiles. In March, a potential match was identified in Massachusetts, where Deck Brewer Jr. was incarcerated on unrelated charges.

The Arrest

Detectives interviewed Brewer, who initially denied involvement but then invoked his right to an attorney upon learning that DNA had been found at the crime scene. A subsequent DNA comparison confirmed a match between Brewer’s DNA and the evidence, leading to his arrest for Wolfe’s murder.

Genetic Genealogy: A Pivotal Tool

The arrest of Brewer highlights the transformative power of genetic genealogy in solving cold cases. By comparing DNA profiles from crime scenes with databases of known relatives, investigators can identify potential suspects who may not have been previously considered.

A Closure for the Family

For Wolfe’s family, the arrest of Brewer brings a long-awaited sense of closure. After decades of uncertainty and grief, they can finally find solace knowing that her killer has been brought to justice.

Continued Investigations

While the arrest of Brewer marks a major step forward, the investigation into Wolfe’s murder is ongoing. Investigators are still seeking additional evidence and information that could shed light on the details of the crime and any possible accomplices.

The Importance of DNA Preservation

The successful resolution of this case emphasizes the importance of preserving and analyzing DNA evidence in unsolved crimes. As DNA technology continues to advance, it holds the potential to unlock new leads and bring justice to victims and their families.


The arrest of Deck Brewer Jr. in the murder of Susan Leigh Wolfe is a testament to the relentless efforts of investigators and the power of DNA evidence. This case serves as a reminder that justice can prevail, even decades after a crime has been committed.