Ramón é o assassino do pai de Vênus? Entenda o mistério de ‘Família É Tudo’

Ramón killed the father of Luzia? Understand the mistery of ‘Família É Tudo’

Brenda (Alexandra Richter) reveals in the next chapters of the 7 pm soap opera “Família É Tudo” (Globo) that Ramón (Jayme Periard) is the murderer of Vênus’ (Nathalia Dill) father.

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What will happen

When she reveals herself as Léo’s (Paulo Lessa) biological mother, the woman is questioned about the attacks against her son’s girlfriend. She tells Netuno that her husband is the person responsible for all these crimes.

In the past, Brenda had an affair with Pedro (Paulo Tiefenthaler), which caused Ramón’s fury. The situation got out of control, and Tom’s (Renato Góes) mother claims that her husband was responsible for orchestrating the death of the Mancini patriarch. Brenda also says that she could never take her eldest son away from the orphanage because of Ramón. According to the woman, Tom’s father did not accept the son she had before marriage.

This whole story is Brenda’s version. In the next chapters, the mystery of whether or not she is telling the truth will remain.

The soap opera “Family is Everything”, written by Daniel Ortiz, airs from Monday to Saturday, at 7:30 pm, on Globo. Check out the full summary of the chapters here.