¿Quién tiene la vocería del Gobierno? Sarabia, Cristo y Alexander López dan mensajes contrarios | El Colombiano

Pico y Placa in Medellín

Pico y Placa is a traffic restriction measure implemented in Medellín, Colombia, to reduce traffic congestion. The measure restricts the circulation of vehicles based on the last digit of their license plate, prohibiting them from entering and circulating in the city center during peak hours.


The Pico y Placa restriction applies on weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The restriction is divided into two groups:

  • Group 1: Vehicles with license plates ending in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Group 2: Vehicles with license plates ending in 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0.

On Mondays, vehicles in Group 1 are restricted, while vehicles in Group 2 are restricted on Tuesdays. The restriction continues in this pattern until Friday, when Group 1 vehicles are again restricted.


The Pico y Placa restriction does not apply to the following vehicles:

  • Public transportation (buses, taxis, and metro)
  • Emergency vehicles (police, fire engines, ambulances)
  • Vehicles owned by people with disabilities
  • Vehicles used for transporting food and medical supplies
  • Vehicles used by journalists and media personnel
  • Vehicles with diplomatic plates


Vehicles caught violating the Pico y Placa restriction may be subject to a fine of 15 salarios mínimos diarios legales vigentes (approximately $1,200,000 Colombian pesos). Repeat offenders may also have their vehicle impounded.

It is important to note that the Pico y Placa restriction is strictly enforced by traffic authorities in Medellín. Drivers are advised to plan their travel accordingly to avoid any inconvenience.