‘Pure terrorism’: World reacts to Israeli settler attack in West Bank

Deadly Attack on Palestinian Village of Jit Sparks Condemnation and Calls for Accountability, Sanctions against Israel


The Palestinian village of Jit in the northern West Bank was subjected to a devastating attack by Israeli settlers, resulting in the tragic death of a 23-year-old man named Mahmoud Abdel Qader Sadda. The assault involved indiscriminate gunfire, arson, and property destruction, leaving a trail of devastation and terror in its wake. This incident has ignited widespread condemnation and calls for accountability and sanctions against Israel.

Eyewitness Accounts and Visual Evidence

According to eyewitnesses and video footage, dozens of masked Israeli settlers stormed the village, indiscriminately firing on residents, setting fire to cars, and destroying homes and other property. The attack lasted for several hours, causing immense fear and panic among the villagers.

Surge in Israeli Violence

The attack on Jit comes amidst a surge in Israeli military and settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, which has intensified during the recent war in Gaza. Since the start of the war, nearly 600 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers, according to the United Nations.

International Condemnation

The attack on Jit has drawn widespread condemnation from Palestinians, foreign leaders, and human rights organizations. The Palestinian Authority condemned the attack as an act of “organized state terrorism” and demanded the imposition of deterrent sanctions on Israel. Hamas, the Palestinian faction governing Gaza, denounced the attack as part of Israel’s “fascist extermination plans.”

The United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United Nations have all condemned the attack and called for accountability. The UN human rights office has emphasized that the violence in Jit is not an isolated incident but the direct consequence of Israel’s policy of settlement in the West Bank.

Impunity for Settler Violence

Human rights groups have criticized Israel for allowing its forces and settlers to operate with “endemic impunity” in their attacks against Palestinians. The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories has called for sanctions on Israel over the attack, arguing that settler violence is attributable to the State of Israel.

Israeli Response

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office condemned the disturbances in Jit but asserted that it is the responsibility of the Israeli military and security forces to combat terrorism. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant attributed the violence to “radical individuals” but also condemned the attacks.

Calls for Accountability and Sanctions

In the aftermath of the attack on Jit, there have been widespread calls for accountability and sanctions against Israel. Critics argue that the impunity enjoyed by Israeli settlers and the failure to hold perpetrators accountable have emboldened them to commit further acts of violence.

The international community is urged to take concrete steps to prevent further violence and protect Palestinian civilians from settler attacks. This includes imposing targeted sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for such violence, as well as diplomatic measures to pressure Israel to fulfill its obligations under international law.


The deadly attack on the Palestinian village of Jit is a stark reminder of the ongoing human rights violations and violence faced by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The impunity enjoyed by Israeli settlers and the lack of accountability for their actions create a climate of fear and insecurity for Palestinian communities. The international community must take urgent action to end this cycle of violence and impunity, and to ensure that the perpetrators of such heinous acts are brought to justice.