Progressives reckon with massive campaign spending deficit after Cori Bush defeat

Progressives Struggle in Spending Wars Against Pro-Israel Forces

Money, Influence, and the Future of Progressive Politics


Recent primary election results have highlighted the financial challenges faced by progressive Democratic candidates. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) lost their races, largely due to hefty campaign spending by outside groups, including the United Democracy Project (UDP) and Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI).

The Financial Disadvantage

Progressives argue that lax campaign finance laws allow well-funded groups to flood races with millions of dollars, giving them an unfair advantage over candidates who lack similar resources. The UDP, affiliated with AIPAC, has spent heavily to defeat candidates critical of Israel, putting progressives on the defensive.

The Strategy Gap

Some strategists believe that progressives need to improve their fundraising and organizational abilities to match the spending power of their opponents. However, others argue that it is impossible to “out-money” outside groups and that progressives should focus on mobilizing grassroots support.

The Risks to Progressivism

The financial disadvantage faced by progressives raises concerns about the future of the movement. Some activists worry that the constant barrage of negative advertising and spending will dissuade potential candidates from running and silence critical voices in Congress.

Potential Solutions

Progressives are exploring various strategies to address the financial disparity, including:

  • Legal Challenges: Triggering court battles to limit campaign spending and overturn Citizens United.
  • Coordinated Spending: Encouraging progressive candidates and organizations to pool resources and target their spending more effectively.
  • Grassroots Mobilization: Emphasizing the importance of organizing and turning out voters to counterbalance the influence of outside money.


The progressive movement is at a crossroads, facing significant financial challenges that threaten to slow its growth and impact. While the movement faces an uphill battle, progressives remain determined to find solutions to address the imbalance and ensure that their voices are heard in the political arena.