Pamela Smart on teen lover who murdered husband nearly 3 decades ago: ‘I loved him’

Pamela Smart: A Life Behind Bars for a Murder She Denies

Pamela Smart, a woman who spent almost three decades in prison for plotting to kill her husband at their home, maintains her innocence.

A Notorious Trial

Smart’s trial in 1991 was a media sensation, the first in U.S. history to be televised gavel-to-gavel. It captivated the nation, turning Smart into a symbol of the evil seductress.

Charged with witness tampering, conspiracy, and being an accomplice to first-degree murder, Smart was convicted and sentenced to life without parole. The accomplice charge, under New Hampshire law, carried this mandatory sentence.

Life Behind Bars

Smart has spent the last 29 years incarcerated. She has earned two master’s degrees, become a leader in the prison’s church, and works as a liaison between inmates and the prison superintendent.

Despite her accomplishments, Smart continues to fight for her freedom. She has filed numerous appeals, but all have been denied. With all legal avenues seemingly exhausted, she acknowledges the unlikelihood of ever leaving prison alive.

Maintaining Innocence

In a recent interview with “20/20,” Smart reiterated her innocence. She vehemently denies any involvement in her husband’s murder and insists she has been portrayed as a monstrous figure.

The Love Affair and Coercion

The prosecution’s case rested on the testimony of William Flynn, a teenage lover who coerced him into killing her husband, Gregg Smart. Flynn testified that Smart manipulated him, using her sexual powers to convince him of her husband’s mistreatment.

Smart denies coercing Flynn. She admits to having a brief affair with him but maintains it was consensual and did not progress into a murder plot.

The Fate of the Accomplices

Flynn and three other teenagers who participated in the murder pleaded guilty and testified against Smart. Flynn and Randall were each sentenced to 25 years in prison. Lattime Jr. and Fowler received shorter sentences.

Media Frenzy

Smart’s trial was a media circus. Local television stations interrupted daytime soap operas to cover it, and the trial was featured in countless true crime shows and a Hollywood movie starring Nicole Kidman.

Smart believes the media frenzy unfairly swayed public opinion against her, denying her a fair trial.

Her Mother’s Unwavering Support

Throughout Smart’s incarceration, her mother, Linda Wojas, has remained her steadfast advocate. Wojas believes her daughter is innocent and has tirelessly campaigned for her release.

Hope for Freedom

Despite the setbacks and grim outlook, Smart clings to hope. She acknowledges the possibility that she may die in prison but insists on fighting for her freedom until the end.