Pakistan’s military arrests three former officers amid spy chief probe

The Arrests of Retired Officers Linked to Faiz Hameed’s Court-Martial

An In-Depth Exploration

The recent arrests of three retired officers have been linked to the ongoing investigation into former spy chief Faiz Hameed, who faces a court-martial on charges of corruption and misuse of power. The Pakistan military has asserted that these arrests are directly tied to the proceedings against Hameed, who was the head of the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.

The military’s statement emphasized that they are continuing to investigate certain retired officers and their associates for allegedly inciting instability under the influence of and in collaboration with vested political interests. Political organizations and critics frequently criticize the ISI for interfering in politics and government operations.

Hameed was apprehended on Monday and accused of misconduct in a case involving a private housing scheme. According to the military, they concluded an inquiry into a complaint submitted by a real estate developer, as ordered by the Supreme Court. They charged the former ISI chief with misusing his authority to illegally occupy the housing project on the outskirts of Islamabad.

The military also mentioned “numerous instances of Pakistan Army Act violations” that were established against Hameed following his retirement. Hameed served as the ISI chief from 2019 to 2021, during the administration of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is now imprisoned.

Khan appointed Lieutenant-General Nadeem Anjum in October 2021 to replace him, a few months before the cricketer-turned-politician lost power in April 2022. Hameed, who was once predicted to become the army chief, retired early in December 2022. Pakistan’s Army Act prohibits retired military personnel from engaging in political activities for two years after retirement.

For more than 30 years of its almost eight-decade-long independent history, the military has been regarded as the most influential organization in Pakistan, effectively governing the nation of 240 million people. The military is renowned for its involvement in the country’s political and economic affairs, and its influence over government policy has been a subject of much discussion and criticism.

The arrests of these retired officers and the ongoing investigation against Hameed highlight the military’s determination to maintain discipline and uphold its authority. These developments also raise questions about the military’s role in politics and the extent to which it will tolerate alleged misconduct by its former members.

The outcome of the court-martial against Hameed and the ongoing investigations will be closely watched, both domestically and internationally. They will provide insights into the military’s commitment to transparency and accountability, as well as its stance on the limits of political interference in military affairs.

It is important to note that the information provided in this blog post is based on publicly available sources and official statements issued by the Pakistan military. The situation remains fluid, and further developments may emerge as the investigation progresses.