Omar Assad’s family says ‘unjust’ US decision will not end push for justice

Relatives Slam US Government for Continuing to Fund Israeli Army Unit Involved in Elderly Palestinian American Man’s Killing

Omar Assad: A Life Cut Short

Omar Assad was a 78-year-old American citizen who returned to his hometown in the West Bank. His life was tragically cut short in January 2022 by Israeli soldiers. He was detained, gagged, blindfolded, beaten, and left in the cold, leading to his death. Witness accounts and an autopsy revealed the extent of his horrific ordeal.

Outrage and Condemnation

His death sparked widespread condemnation. His family and Palestinian rights advocates called for an independent investigation and accountability for those responsible. However, the Israeli military’s response was inadequate, with no criminal charges filed against the soldiers involved. This decision served only to exacerbate the family’s grief and sense of injustice.

US Funding Continues

In April 2023, the US State Department hinted at the possibility of sanctions against the Israeli military battalion responsible for Omar Assad’s death. However, the department’s recent announcement that the unit’s issues had been “remediated” came as a devastating blow to the Assad family and Palestinian rights activists. The decision to continue funding the unit is seen as a betrayal and a lack of accountability for the atrocities committed.

A Pattern of Impunity

Omar Assad’s case is not an isolated incident. Israeli military and settler violence against Palestinians has been on the rise, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians. The US Leahy Law, which prohibits assistance to foreign military units that violate human rights, has not been effectively implemented. This double standard highlights the US government’s bias towards Israel, despite its rhetorical support for human rights.

Voices of Frustration and Dismay

“It’s frustrating to see the United States not only have a lack of care for Palestinians but also an unwillingness to enforce US law,” said Ahmad Abuznaid, executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. “The US government views Palestinian people as disposable, and their foreign policy prioritizes support for Israel at all costs.”

“We actually see a genocide taking place. Innocent people are being harmed, and yet the US continues to support Israel,” said Othman Atta, executive director of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee. “This hypocrisy shakes us to the core.”

A Journey for Justice

Despite the setbacks, Assad’s family and Palestinian advocates remain determined to seek justice for Omar. They believe that the US government has a responsibility to hold Israel accountable and to ensure that Palestinian lives are valued and protected.

“We need to find justice for my uncle,” said Assad Assad, Omar’s nephew. “He was a good man who deserved better than this.”

The ongoing struggle for accountability in Omar Assad’s case highlights the urgent need to end the impunity for Israeli human rights abuses and the importance of ensuring that all lives, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, are treated with dignity and respect.