NHL partners with Warrior for Life Fund to promote wellness in military community

The NHL and Warrior for Life Fund: Uniting for Mental Health, Physical Wellness, and Camaraderie in the Military Community

The NHL and Warrior for Life Fund have joined forces to promote mental health, physical well-being, and camaraderie within the military community through the shared passion of hockey.

The NHL, a leading professional hockey league, has forged a partnership with the Warrior for Life Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting active duty military personnel, veterans, retirees, and their families as they navigate the challenges of combat deployments and post-service life.

This collaboration showcases the NHL’s commitment to supporting those who serve or have served their country. Through this partnership, the NHL aims to utilize the unique power of hockey to foster connection, resilience, and community among military members and their families.

The partnership will focus on several key initiatives, including the sponsorship of annual memorial games that bring together NHL Alumni and Naval Special Warfare personnel. These games are held in Virginia Beach, Virginia; San Diego, California; and Boston, Massachusetts, and serve as a tribute to fallen service members while also providing a platform for camaraderie and healing.

Additionally, the NHL will contribute $15,000 annually to the Warrior for Life Fund’s Human Performance Center. This center provides cognitive skills training and community engagement programs specifically tailored to the Naval Special Warfare community, enhancing their mental and physical well-being.

The NHL’s support for the Warrior for Life Fund is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges faced by military members and their families. Hockey, with its emphasis on teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, offers a unique outlet for stress relief, camaraderie, and personal growth.

The Warrior for Life Fund was founded by Ryan Croley, a retired Navy captain and Navy SEAL who has experienced firsthand the transformative power of hockey in his own life. While stationed at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, Croley turned to hockey as a way to cope with loneliness and stress.

Through this partnership, the NHL and the Warrior for Life Fund aim to extend the benefits of hockey to a broader military community, fostering a sense of belonging, purpose, and well-being among those who have dedicated their lives to serving their country.

The impact of this collaboration is expected to be far-reaching, providing essential support to military members and their families as they navigate the challenges of combat deployments, transition to civilian life, and beyond.

By harnessing the power of hockey and the unwavering dedication of the Warrior for Life Fund, the NHL is demonstrating its commitment to supporting the mental health, physical wellness, and camaraderie of those who have served our nation.