Nationalratswahl:Urgestein verlässt Grüne und tritt für Liste Gaza bei Nationalratswahl an

Franz Sölkner Quits Greens, Joins New List for National Council Elections

The former Green Party member will now run for the Gaza list in the upcoming elections, citing concerns over the party’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Franz Sölkner, a former member of the Green Party in Styria, Austria, has announced his departure from the party and his decision to join the newly formed Gaza list for the upcoming National Council elections.

Sölkner, who was once a staunch supporter of the Green Party, has been increasingly critical of the party’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has accused the party of prioritizing power over human rights and of failing to adequately address the issue of Israeli violence against Palestinians.

In a statement announcing his departure from the Green Party, Sölkner said, “I can no longer in good conscience remain a member of a party that has abandoned its commitment to human rights and justice.” He went on to say that the party’s decision to vote against a United Nations resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip was “the final straw” for him.

Sölkner’s departure from the Green Party is a significant blow to the party, which has been struggling to maintain its support in recent years. The party’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been particularly controversial, with many members criticizing the party’s leadership for being too sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

The Gaza list is a new political party that was formed by a group of activists who are seeking to challenge the status quo in Austrian politics. The party’s platform includes a commitment to human rights, social justice, and environmental protection. The party is also calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Sölkner’s decision to join the Gaza list is a sign of the growing frustration with the Green Party among some of its members. It is also a sign that the Gaza list is gaining momentum and could pose a serious challenge to the established political parties in the upcoming elections.

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