Manitoba Hydro worker dies on the job

**Manitoba Hydro worker dies on the job**

A Manitoba Hydro worker has lost their life on the job.

The utility’s CEO, Allan Danroth, says the accident in the Interlake area happened this morning — and it’s left a feeling of devastation within the Crown corporation.

Few details are available, but Hydro says the worker was tending to a power outage.

There’s no risk to public safety and Hydro is now cooperating with the appropriate authorities. The worker will not be identified.

**More on the incident**

According to Danroth, the worker was part of a crew that was responding to a power outage in the Interlake region of Manitoba.

The crew was working on a power line when the worker came into contact with a live wire.

Despite the efforts of his fellow crew members and paramedics, the worker was pronounced dead at the scene.

Danroth said the company is deeply saddened by the loss of their employee and is offering support to the worker’s family and colleagues.

**Hydro’s safety record**

The death of the Manitoba Hydro worker is a reminder of the dangers that workers in the electrical industry face every day.

Hydro has a good safety record, but even one death is too many.

The company is committed to doing everything it can to prevent future tragedies.

**Support for the worker’s family**

The Manitoba Hydro worker who died on the job leaves behind a wife and two young children.

The company has set up a fund to help support the family during this difficult time.

Donations can be made to the Manitoba Hydro Employee Relief Fund at any CIBC branch.