Mancette di Ferragosto. Soldi per Neapolis 2500, sagre, bande, carnevali storici e impianti di sci: ecco il d…

Ferragosto, time for the sea but also for omnibus decrees

The Meloni government is preparing to approve, in tomorrow’s Council of Ministers, a new measure of the kind, this year dedicated in particular to the financing of cultural initiatives, with tens of millions assigned to the Ministry of Culture and where the most notable are the funds for choirs, musical bands, historical carnivals and committees for the celebration of the 2,500th anniversary of the birth of Neapolis.

The Quirinale has repeatedly asked the government to avoid the approval of measures full of measures and micro-measures that intervene in the most disparate matters – hence the name ‘omnibus’ – and where the urgency provided for by the constitutional provision is non-existent.

And yet, as now happens punctually every summer, here is a Ferragosto decree on the table of the Council of Ministers, to be approved before the summer break. Here is a non-exhaustive and non-definitive list of the planned interventions, as it is still a decree in draft form. After all, last-minute surprises are not excluded. Also last year, again on August 7th, the Council of Ministers met to approve the Asset decree which, without any notice, was enriched with the introduction of the tax on bank extraordinary profits. This year, the rumors on the eve speak of the last-minute insertion of the increase in the tourist tax as well as its extension throughout the national territory or the introduction of an excise duty – whose operation and scope is still to be defined – on electric cars.

Culture Chapter

“In order to support the creation of cultural identity events”, the Ministry of Culture is assigned a specific National Fund of 1 million euros. Another 3 million, also intended for the same ministry, will instead be dedicated to the “enhancement of historical carnivals”. A national Neapolis 2500 committee aims to celebrate “the 25th centenary” of the foundation of ancient Neapolis by the Cumaeans which, according to tradition, took place on December 21, 475 BC. The committee will be appointed by decree of the Minister of Culture: the members will not receive any compensation, except for the reimbursement of expenses incurred. The Committee is however allocated “a contribution of one million euros”, but the funding “may increase” with contributions from public and private bodies, bequests, donations and other gifts. 3 million go to a Fund to support the creation of festivals “of theater, dance and music, of the circus”, and to support the “sector of choirs and musical bands”. The National Fund for live entertainment, finally, is increased by 23.3 million euros in 2024.

Apennines in crisis

If on the one hand the government intends, in a few weeks, to raise the tourist tax throughout the national territory, thus making hoteliers and tourists pay a surcharge, with the other in the Omnibus decree of Ferragosto, it sets aside 13 million euros “to contrast the crisis of tourism in the mountain towns of the Apennines recorded in the winter of 2023-2024”. The non-repayable contribution is due to operators of ski lifts, artificial snowmaking, ski slope preparation, equipment rental companies, ski instructors and schools, travel agencies, tour operators, managers of spas, tourist accommodation and catering businesses operating in the municipalities located in the ski areas and areas of the Apennine ridge. “To request it, it will be necessary to demonstrate the reduction in revenues of not less than 30% in the period November 2023-March 2024, compared to the same period two years earlier.

After the Caivano Model, it is Scampia’s turn

The Municipality of Naples, we read in the draft, will be able to assign a contribution for the families of the Vele di Scampia affected by the evacuation after the collapse of July 24, who independently find accommodation, until December 31, 2025. The contribution reaches 400 euros for single-family households, 500 for two-person households, 700 for three and 800 for 4, up to a maximum of 900 euros per month for families of five or more people. If there are people over 65 or disabled with a disability of not less than 67%, an additional contribution of 200 euros is provided. In another article, the allocation in favor of university colleges of merit is increased by 1 million euros, for 2024.