Los tres ingredientes para acabar definitivamente con los talones agrietados

Keep Your Heels Smooth and Crack-Free: Hydration is Key

Our feet often get neglected in our daily care and beauty routines. It’s essential to keep them hydrated and free of calluses year-round, including during the winter months. However, it’s during the summer, when our feet are more exposed, that we pay more attention to their appearance.

One of the most common problems caused by the heat and wearing open-toe shoes is the development of cracks in our heels. These cracks not only detract from the appearance of our feet but can also cause pain when walking.

Getting rid of heel cracks isn’t easy and requires consistent hydration with products specifically designed for feet, such as mild soaps and emollient creams that soften them.

According to the Romanian website realitatea.net, there is a homemade formula that offers a quick solution to this problem. To make this ointment, you’ll need to crush an aspirin into a fine powder, add a teaspoon of mouthwash, and a tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

How to Use the Homemade Heel Crack Ointment:

  1. Apply the ointment to your heels and the skin on the soles of your feet.
  2. Wrap your feet in a towel for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the towel and rinse your feet with warm water.
  4. Apply a cream containing calendula, honey, or aloe vera to your feet.