Lionel Messi didn’t hesitate when naming the only player he’s played with who ‘knows him to perfection’

Messi’s Unrivaled Understanding with Jordi Alba: A Telepathic Connection

Lionel Messi, one of the greatest footballers of all time, has forged exceptional bonds with several teammates throughout his illustrious career. However, there’s one player who stands out as the one who knows him “to perfection” – Jordi Alba.

Last summer, Messi and Alba reunited at Inter Miami, joining forces with another former Barcelona legend, Sergio Busquets. This reunion marked the culmination of a decade-long partnership that had illuminated Camp Nou with countless moments of brilliance.

A Devastating Partnership

At Barcelona, Messi and Alba formed an unstoppable duo, their understanding of each other’s movements and instincts reaching an almost telepathic level. Alba’s blistering pace and attacking prowess made him the perfect foil for Messi’s incisive passes and otherworldly creativity.

Messi’s ability to find Alba in stride with a perfectly weighted pass, often without even looking, was a constant source of danger for opposing defenses. Alba would then use his dribbling skills and crossing ability to create chances for himself or his teammates.

In total, Alba assisted 23 of Messi’s 672 goals for Barcelona, putting him among the top five players in that department. Their on-field connection was undeniable, and Alba’s ability to anticipate Messi’s next move made him an invaluable asset.

“He Knows Me to Perfection”

Messi himself has spoken highly of Alba’s understanding of his game. “Jordi Alba knows me to perfection,” he told Catalunya Radio. “He knows when I will give him a no-look pass. I have a special connection with him.”

This “no-look pass” is a trademark of Messi’s game, and it was on full display during Argentina’s triumphant World Cup campaign. However, while Messi’s other teammates struggled to keep up with his brilliance, Alba was always on the same wavelength.

Rekindling the Magic at Inter Miami

At Inter Miami, Messi and Alba have quickly re-established their devastating partnership. They have already combined for several goals, showcasing their unparalleled understanding and chemistry.

Alba recently explained his decision to join Inter Miami, citing his desire to win trophies and reunite with his former Barcelona teammates. “I don’t get tired of winning,” he told CBS Sports. “I want to keep competing… The opportunity was very attractive.”


Lionel Messi and Jordi Alba share an extraordinary understanding that has made them the most formidable attacking duo of their generation. Their ability to read each other’s movements, anticipate each other’s intentions, and execute with precision is a testament to their exceptional talent and shared history.

As they continue their journey together at Inter Miami, Messi and Alba are sure to create more unforgettable moments and add to their already impressive legacy.