Laurie Hernandez Weighs in on Jordan Chiles’s Bronze Medal

The Evolution of Gen-Z Sports Commentary: “It can be hard to be a Gen-Z commentator because there’s a language barrier — being raised with so much technology and intricate social-media platforms and the language used.”

At the 2024 Summer Olympics, former gymnast Laurie Hernandez’s commentary elevated the events with her unique Gen-Z perspective. This article explores the challenges and opportunities of being a Gen-Z sports commentator, highlighting Hernandez’s experience and discussing the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in sports broadcasting.

Gen-Z’s Language Barrier

Hernandez believes that Gen-Z commentators face a “language barrier” due to their upbringing in the digital age. She notes that her use of slang and social media references may not be familiar to older viewers. However, she emphasizes that this barrier can also be an opportunity to bridge the generational gap and make sports more relatable and engaging for young audiences.

The Importance of Authenticity

Hernandez emphasizes the importance of authenticity and being true to oneself as a commentator. She admits to feeling imposter syndrome but overcomes it by embracing her own style and knowledge. She believes that viewers can sense when a commentator is being genuine and that it creates a more engaging and enjoyable viewing experience.

Adapting to the Medium

Hernandez describes the technical challenges of gymnastics commentary, including the need to be concise and to avoid overloading viewers with information. She emphasizes the importance of using body language and vocal cues to convey emotions and add personality to her commentary. She also highlights the role of teamwork and collaboration with her co-commentators and researchers.

Navigating the Line Between Critique and Support

Hernandez discusses the delicate balance between providing constructive criticism and supporting athletes. She explains that she strives to be factual and objective but also wants to uplift the gymnasts and make their performances accessible to all viewers. She admits to holding back on some critiques that she felt might be too harsh or unnecessarily negative.

The Jordan Chiles Controversy

Hernandez reflects on the controversial situation involving Jordan Chiles’ bronze medal floor routine and the subsequent inquiry that resulted in her score being upgraded. She expresses her empathy for both Chiles and the Romanian gymnast who initially received the medal. She emphasizes the need for clear and consistent rules and procedures to ensure fair competition and to protect the integrity of the sport.

Hernandez also highlights the importance of recognizing the emotional toll that such controversies can take on athletes and the need for support and compassion from the sports community. She believes that the incident serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges involved in judging subjective sports.

The Future of Gen-Z Sports Commentary

Hernandez expresses her hope that she will have the opportunity to continue commentating on gymnastics and other sports. She believes that Gen-Z commentators can bring fresh perspectives and a unique understanding of the digital landscape to sports broadcasting. She emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in sports media and hopes to see more diverse voices and experiences represented in the future.