Kursk incursion: Putin scrambles to save face — and his territory after Ukraine attack

Putin’s War Takes a Stunning Turn: Ukraine Assaults Russian Territory

After a year of steady gains, Vladimir Putin’s war has taken a dramatic turn as Ukraine launches a stunning offensive across the border, leaving Russia scrambling to reclaim its own land.

A Year of Putin’s Triumphs

For much of the past year, Putin seemed to be in control. He had successfully quelled a brief mutiny and maintained a resilient economy amidst Western sanctions. His forces had gradually advanced on Ukrainian territory, albeit at a significant cost.

Ukraine’s Game-Changer

Ukraine’s offensive in the Kursk region has shattered Putin’s illusion of dominance. The attack has pushed Russian forces out of key border areas and exposed the fragility of their hold on Ukrainian territory.

Putin’s Mounting Challenges

Putin’s carefully crafted narrative of Russia’s invincibility has been dealt a severe blow. He now faces the daunting task of rallying his troops and repelling the Ukrainian incursion. The crisis meeting he convened with top officials on Monday revealed his mounting frustration and the immense challenge ahead.

Putin’s Rosy Outlook, Cracked

Despite his attempt to maintain a positive facade, Putin’s claims of Russian unity and military progress ring hollow. The reality on the ground points to a far more precarious situation.

Humiliation and Revenge

The invasion of Russian territory marks a humiliating setback for Putin, who has repeatedly cited security concerns as a justification for his invasion of Ukraine. His pledge to “squeeze the enemy” out of Russian land suggests a desperate need to reclaim lost ground and avenge the perceived affront.

Zelenskyy’s Symbolic Retort

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has seized on the symbolism of the Kursk region, linking it to the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000, an event that damaged Putin’s reputation. Zelenskyy’s message taunts Putin, suggesting that the Kursk offensive could mark the beginning of his downfall.

Russia Reeling from a Foreign Invasion

For the first time since World War II, Russia finds itself under attack from a foreign power. This unprecedented situation underscores the severity of Putin’s miscalculations and the immense pressure he now faces.

Shades of the Kursk Disaster

The Kursk submarine disaster of 2000, which Putin handled with aloof detachment, has become a potent symbol of his failures. Zelenskyy’s comparison of the Kursk incursion to the Kursk disaster suggests that Putin’s handling of this crisis could further erode his credibility and hasten his political demise.