Judge blocks plans for sports joint streaming venture among Fox, ESPN and Warner Brothers

Venu Sports Launch Delayed by Court Injunction

Federal Judge Halts ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros.’ Streaming Venture

The launch of Venu Sports, a planned sports streaming venture by ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery, has been delayed after a federal judge granted FuboTV’s motion for a preliminary injunction.

Antitrust Concerns Raised

FuboTV, a sports-focused streaming service, filed the lawsuit alleging that the joint venture would violate antitrust laws. The company argued that ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery have bundled their content with other offerings, forcing FuboTV to purchase and distribute channels that its customers do not want or need.

U.S. District Judge Margaret M. Garnett agreed with FuboTV’s arguments, finding that the company had shown a likelihood of success in proving that the joint venture would harm competition and consumers.

Irreparable Harm

The judge also determined that FuboTV and consumers would face “irreparable harm” in the absence of an injunction. She noted that FuboTV’s business model relied on offering a sports-only streaming service, and that the joint venture would make it difficult for FuboTV to compete.

Additionally, the judge said that the injunction was necessary to prevent consumers from being forced to pay higher prices for sports content due to the lack of competition.

Venu Sports’ Response

ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery issued a joint statement expressing their disappointment with the ruling and their intention to appeal. They maintained that Venu Sports was a “pro-competitive option” that aimed to enhance consumer choice.

The initial launch date for Venu Sports was August 1, but the injunction is likely to delay its launch until at least next year.

Reaction from Cable and Satellite Companies

The ruling has also drawn attention from cable and satellite companies, who have expressed concern about the potential impact of bundling requirements. DirecTV spokesman Jon Greer said that the company was “pleased” with the court’s decision, which recognizes the potential harms of allowing large programmers to favor their affiliated distributors.


The delay in the launch of Venu Sports is a significant setback for ESPN, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery. The ruling highlights the importance of antitrust laws in protecting competition and promoting consumer choice in the streaming industry.

As the case continues through the courts, it remains to be seen whether Venu Sports will ultimately be able to launch and compete in the sports streaming market.