Jack Black Reveals Where Things Stand With Tenacious D Bandmate After Cancelling Tour

Tenacious D Takes a Break After Kyle Gass’s Controversial Joke

In mid-July, Tenacious D duo Jack Black and Kyle Gass announced the cancellation of their remaining tour dates in Australia following a divisive joke made by Gass.

During a live show, Gass quipped, “Don’t miss Trump next time,” in response to a birthday cake presented by Black. Black, visibly taken aback, later expressed his disapproval and the band decided to cancel the rest of their tour.

Black Blindsided by Gass’s Remark

Black released a statement on Instagram, declaring that he was “blindsided” by Gass’s comment and that he “would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form.”

Black added that he felt it was inappropriate to continue the tour and that all future creative plans were on hold. He also thanked the fans for their understanding.

Gass’s Apology

Gass later apologized for his joke, stating that he “got caught up in the moment” and that he “sincerely regrets saying something that was so hurtful.”

He added that he understands how his words could have been interpreted as insensitive and that he “never intended to cause any pain or harm.”

Status of Their Friendship

When asked about the current state of their relationship, Black told Variety that they “need to take a break” and that “everybody needs a break sometime.”

He emphasized that they are still friends and that they “will be back when it feels right.”

Impact on Tenacious D Projects

The incident has put the future of Tenacious D’s projects in limbo. The band had been working on a new album, the first since 2018’s “Post-Apocalypto.”

Black stated that all creative plans are currently on hold, leaving fans wondering about the fate of the album and any future tours.

Fan Reactions

The news of the tour cancellation has sparked mixed reactions from fans.

Some expressed their disappointment and frustration, while others voiced their support for Black’s decision and condemned Gass’s joke.

Many fans expressed their hope that the duo would be able to resolve their differences and continue making music together in the future.


The incident between Jack Black and Kyle Gass has cast a shadow over the future of Tenacious D. The band’s tour has been canceled, creative projects are on hold, and their friendship is on hiatus.

While the full extent of the consequences remains uncertain, it is clear that the incident has had a significant impact on the band and its fans. Only time will tell if Tenacious D can weather the storm and return to their former glory.