Iván Cepeda y Andrés Pastrana se cruzan dardos tras una decisión de la Fiscalía

Iván Cepeda and Andrés Pastrana clash over a Fiscalía decision

Senator Iván Cepeda responded to former President Andrés Pastrana’s message regarding a decision by the Fiscalía.

Pastrana said he was notified of the dismissal of the complaint for defamation and slander that Cepeda had filed against him, after he rejected accusations of alleged links to illegal sectors.

Cepeda responded with a message to Pastrana, saying “Poor little former president, being persecuted!”

This response came after Pastrana previously stated on social media that “The Fiscalía ordered the dismissal of the complaint for defamation and slander that Senator Iván Cepeda, from the government’s bench, filed against me for exercising my freedom of expression.”

According to Pastrana, “The Fiscalía says that ‘the statements of former President Pastrana Arango regarding the need to thoroughly investigate the visits of public officials to prisons where paramilitaries were held are part of his right to free expression.’ Although Petro and Cepeda like to prosecute those of us in the opposition who think differently and question their actions, the Colombian justice system protects the fundamental right of expression!”

The exchange of messages between these two political leaders stemmed from mutual accusations about alleged relationships with actors of illicit origin; Pastrana and Cepeda have even filed complaints against each other in courts over such accusations.