ISW: Действиями в Курской области украинские войска смогли достичь оперативной неожиданности

Ukrainian Forces Achieve Surprise in Kursk Offensive

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that Ukrainian forces have achieved operational surprise in their ongoing offensive in the Kursk region of Russia, indicating that they were able to move quickly and effectively without being detected by Russian forces. The report notes that the lack of a coordinated Russian response and the speed of the Ukrainian advance suggest the Ukrainians were able to catch the Russians off guard.

Russian Reaction

The ISW believes that the Kremlin will likely attempt to retake the territory lost in Kursk and halt further Ukrainian advances, as a significant loss of Russian territory would be a strategic blow to President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to maintain an image of Russian stability and strength. The report outlines several possible courses of action for the Russian military, including deploying additional troops and equipment to the region or attempting to push back Ukrainian forces with existing units.

Ukrainian Objectives and Strategy

While the ISW declined to provide specific details on the objectives of the Ukrainian operation to avoid compromising its security, the report notes that the Ukrainian military has learned from previous experience and adapted to the challenges of operating in a partially transparent battlefield. This ability to achieve operational surprise demonstrates the Ukrainian military’s effectiveness in using limited information to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

Significance of the Offensive

The ISW emphasizes that while Ukrainian officials have not publicly commented on the Kursk operation, the offensive highlights the growing capabilities of the Ukrainian military. It also underscores the difficulties faced by Russian forces in adapting to the uncertainties of the battlefield in Ukraine. The success of the Ukrainian offensive could potentially set the stage for further territorial gains and weaken Russian morale.


The Kursk offensive demonstrates the continued ability of Ukrainian forces to surprise and outmaneuver Russian forces, despite the challenges of operating in a largely transparent battlefield. The ongoing conflict remains highly fluid, and the outcome of the Kursk operation is yet to be determined. However, the success of the Ukrainian military in achieving operational surprise and adapting to the battlefield challenges bodes well for Ukraine’s ability to defend itself and potentially regain territory lost to Russian aggression.