How Tim Walz went from an ‘A’ NRA rating to the gun lobby’s worst nightmare

Governor Walz’ Evolution on Gun Safety

Across the country, citizens, politicians, and leaders have reckoned with the devastation caused by gun violence. In recent years, it has reached an epidemic level, and its toll continues to climb. One politician who has made a significant shift in his stance on gun safety is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Let’s dive into his journey and explore the factors that influenced his evolution.

A Turning Point: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, Governor Walz was deeply affected by the loss of life and the sheer senselessness of the tragedy. While he did not initially endorse specific policy solutions, he made it clear that he was not willing to accept the status quo. This marked a turning point in his thinking about gun violence.

Personal Reflection and Conversations

Walz’s views on gun safety continued to evolve through personal experiences and conversations. After the Las Vegas shooting in 2017, he donated every penny he had received from the NRA to charity. A pivotal moment came after the Parkland High School shooting in 2018. His daughter, Hope, confronted him, urging him to take action against gun violence. Her words resonated deeply with him, and he promised to take a stand.

Co-Sponsoring the Assault Weapons Ban

Walz’s commitment to addressing gun violence became evident when he co-sponsored the House’s assault weapons ban legislation. He explained his decision in a video to his constituents, highlighting the urgent need to end the carnage caused by these weapons. This marked a significant departure from his earlier views and demonstrated his willingness to evolve his thinking.

Evolving Views: A Strength in Leadership

While some critics have labeled Governor Walz’s shift in views as a betrayal of his previous stance, it is essential to recognize that his evolution is a testament to his strength as a leader. True leadership involves the ability to engage in critical self-reflection, listen to diverse perspectives, and adapt one’s views in light of new information and experiences. Walz’s journey exemplifies this quality.

Minnesota Gun Safety Reforms

In 2023, Governor Walz announced a transformative gun safety bill in his State of the State address, calling for an end to the epidemic of gun violence in Minnesota. The bill, which he subsequently signed into law, includes provisions for red flag laws and expanded background checks. These measures represent a significant step forward in the state’s efforts to reduce gun-related deaths and injuries.


Governor Tim Walz’s evolution on gun safety is a testament to his willingness to listen, learn, and adapt. His journey from an NRA supporter to a champion of gun safety reforms demonstrates that true leadership involves the ability to change one’s views in response to new information and experiences. As we grapple with the ongoing epidemic of gun violence in our country, we need more leaders like Walz who are willing to evolve their thinking and take bold action to protect our communities.