How The Fight For Abortion Rights Can Save Democracy

Protecting Our Democracy and Reproductive Freedom: Why Biden-Harris Must Win

As the Republican National Convention unfolds and Donald Trump selects JD Vance as his running mate, it has become crystal clear that the upcoming election is a pivotal moment for our democracy and reproductive freedom.

The Republican Party’s Dangerous Agenda

Trump’s Project 2025 blueprint outlines an alarming plan to erode our democratic norms and dismantle reproductive rights. The document advocates for “personhood” language, which could potentially ban not only abortion but also birth control and IVF treatments.

The Republican Party platform further confirms their anti-abortion stance, seeking to use the 14th Amendment to impose a nationwide ban.

Biden-Harris: Our Only Path Forward

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris represent the only hope for protecting reproductive freedom and preserving our democracy. Biden has pledged to sign a bill restoring abortion rights and has taken executive actions to safeguard access.

Harris, a champion of abortion rights, is leading the fight to ensure that abortion access is a reality in all 50 states.

The Importance of Voter Education

Legal abortion has overwhelming public support. By highlighting the stakes of this election, we can mobilize voters and secure victory for Biden-Harris.

The contrast between Biden and Trump is stark. Biden represents stability and protection, while Trump poses a threat to our rights and freedoms.

Our Role in the Fight

Every single one of us has a role to play in ensuring that Biden-Harris win on November 8th. By coming together, energizing our base, and showing up for this ticket, we can protect our democracy and reproductive freedom.