How Project 2025 plans to reshape the American family

Project 2025: The Authoritarian Blueprint for Dismantling American Families

Project 2025, a leaked document outlining a potential Republican agenda for 2025, reveals a disturbing vision of the American family. At its core lies a Christian nationalist ideology that seeks to impose a rigid definition of family, excluding and discriminating against those who do not conform.

The Ideal Family: A Biblical Blueprint

The document defines the “right” kind of family as “a married mother, father, and their children,” claiming it is essential for “a well-ordered nation and a healthy society.” Promoting this biblical concept of family is cited as a top goal for a revamped Department of Health and Human Services.

This narrow definition of family is not only out of step with modern American society, but it is also harmful to those who do not fit this mold. Project 2025’s proposals would undermine the rights of same-sex couples, single parents, and children raised in non-traditional households.

Discrimination and Demonization

The document proposes several discriminatory measures, including protecting the right of businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples and providing federal grants to faith-based groups that refuse to recognize same-sex marriage.

Furthermore, it demonizes children raised in nontraditional households, claiming that “all other family forms involve higher levels of instability; financial stress or poverty; or poorer behavioral, psychological, or educational outcomes.”

Criminalizing Transgender Identity

One of the most alarming proposals in Project 2025 is to criminalize transgender identity as pornography. This would likely mimic Russia’s so-called gay propaganda bill, which prohibits any promotion of same-sex relationships.

By conflating gender reassignment surgery with child abuse and classifying transgender ideology as pornography, the document stigmatizes and endangers transgender people.

Economic Incentives for Traditional Families

Project 2025 proposes economic incentives for traditional nuclear families, such as tax breaks and increased government support. This would create a system that privileges straight, heterosexual couples over all others.

By redirecting federal funding to support its narrow view of family, the document would deny equal benefits to same-sex couples and other family structures.


Project 2025 is a dangerous and discriminatory blueprint that seeks to impose a Christian nationalist worldview on American families. Its proposals would undermine the rights of those who do not conform to a narrow definition of family and would create a society where some families are valued above others.

The American family is diverse and evolving, and the government has no place in dictating what it should look like. It is time to reject the authoritarian vision of Project 2025 and embrace a society where all families are respected and supported.