How much is each NATO country spending on its military in 2024?

NATO’s Defense Spending: A Comprehensive Analysis

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the world’s most powerful military alliance, comprising 32 member states. With a collective defense budget of $1.47 trillion for 2023, NATO plays a vital role in ensuring global security and stability.

NATO’s History and Mission

NATO was established in 1949 as a response to growing Soviet influence in Eastern Europe. Its founding members included the United States, Canada, and Western European nations. The alliance’s primary mission is to protect its members from external threats and promote peace and cooperation in the North Atlantic region.

The 2% Defense Spending Commitment

In 2006, NATO members agreed to commit at least 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) to defense spending. This commitment aims to ensure the military readiness of the alliance and respond to emerging threats.

Member Contributions

As of 2023, 23 out of 32 NATO members have met the 2% defense spending guideline. The United States remains the largest contributor, accounting for two-thirds of NATO’s total spending. Other significant contributors include Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Poland.

Top NATO Spenders (in $ billions)

  • United States: $967bn
  • Germany: $97.7bn
  • United Kingdom: $82.1bn
  • France: $64.3bn
  • Poland: $34.9bn

Defense Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP

When measured as a percentage of GDP, Poland (4.1%), Estonia (3.4%), the US (3.4%), Latvia (3.2%), and Greece (3.1%) spend the most on defense. In contrast, Spain (1.3%), Slovenia (1.3%), Luxembourg (1.3%), Belgium (1.3%), and Canada (1.4%) spend the least.

Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense by European NATO Members

  • Poland: 4.1%
  • Estonia: 3.4%
  • Latvia: 3.2%
  • Greece: 3.1%
  • United Kingdom: 2.0%
  • Germany: 1.7%
  • France: 2.0%
  • Italy: 1.4%
  • Spain: 1.3%

Significant Increases in Defense Spending

Since 2014, Latvia, Lithuania, and Hungary have experienced the most significant percentage increases in defense spending. Latvia and Lithuania have increased their spending by over 300%, while Hungary has increased its spending by 225%.

Importance of Defense Spending

Defense spending is crucial for maintaining NATO’s military readiness and deterring potential threats. Adequate defense capabilities allow NATO members to respond effectively to regional crises, contribute to global peacekeeping missions, and protect their sovereignty and security.


NATO’s collective defense spending of $1.47 trillion underscores the alliance’s commitment to security and stability. While not all members have met the 2% guideline, the overall increase in defense expenditure demonstrates a shared understanding of the importance of maintaining a strong and capable military alliance. By working together, NATO members contribute to a safer and more secure world.