Google illegally maintains monopoly over internet search, judge rules

Google’s Antitrust Ruling: A Seismic Shift for the Internet

In a landmark decision, Judge Amit Mehta has ruled that Google’s search engine has been illegally exploiting its dominance to squash competition and stifle innovation. This potentially market-shifting ruling marks a major setback for Google and could have significant implications for the internet’s future.

Google’s Dominance in the Search Market

The ruling highlights Google’s overwhelming dominance in the search market, with an estimated 89.2% share of general search services and 94.9% on mobile devices. The judge argues that this dominance has allowed Google to maintain a monopoly, harming competition and innovation.

Default Search Agreements

One key issue identified by Judge Mehta was Google’s practice of spending billions of dollars to ensure its search engine is the default option on new cellphones and tech gadgets. This practice, estimated to have cost Google over $26 billion in 2021, has been deemed illegal and has been credited with suppressing competition.

The Quality of Google’s Product

While acknowledging the high quality of Google’s search product, Judge Mehta argues that its dominance has allowed the company to become complacent and reduce its investment in innovation. This has resulted in less pressure to improve the quality of its search engine, potentially harming consumers.

Consumer Choice

The ruling emphasizes the importance of consumer choice in the digital marketplace. Judge Mehta notes that consumers have historically switched search engines when dissatisfied with results, indicating that other search engines could succeed if not locked in as the default option.

Next Steps

The ruling opens up a new phase in the case, where the judge will determine appropriate remedies to address the illegal practices identified. These remedies could range from dismantling parts of Google’s empire to limiting default search agreements.

Potential Impacts

The ruling could have significant consequences for the internet ecosystem. It could open up opportunities for competitors and drive innovation in search technology. It could also impact companies like Microsoft and Apple, who may benefit from a reduced Google dominance.

Appeals and Implications

Google has indicated its intention to appeal the ruling, which could delay or alter its implementation. Legal experts predict a lengthy appeals process, with potential implications for class-action lawsuits citing monopolistic pricing.


Judge Mehta’s ruling represents a major victory for antitrust regulators and could reshape the landscape of the internet. It remains to be seen what remedies will be imposed and the long-term impact on Google and the broader tech industry.