Gemini Live: I got to use it before you and it’s the biggest threat to ChatGPT right now

Gemini Live: Google’s Answer to ChatGPT

A comprehensive exploration of Google’s latest AI chatbot, Gemini Live

Google has just made a major move in the world of AI with the release of Gemini Live, a new version of its AI chatbot that’s designed to take on ChatGPT. We got an exclusive chance to experience Gemini Live before its official release, and we’re here to give you the inside scoop on how it compares to ChatGPT and why it’s such a serious threat to OpenAI’s dominance in the AI chatbot space.

Continuous Conversations: A Big Step Forward

One of the biggest drawbacks of Gemini Advanced, the premium version of Google’s AI chatbot, was that it couldn’t have continuous voice conversations like ChatGPT. Instead, users had to tap a microphone button to start and stop listening mode, which made it feel more like a traditional assistant than a true conversationalist.

Gemini Live changes all that. With Gemini Live, you can talk to your chatbot continuously, just like you would with a friend. This makes it much easier to have natural conversations and to get the information you need without having to fiddle with buttons.

Contextual Continuity: Keeping the Conversation Flowing

Another area where Gemini Live excels is in its ability to remember the context of your conversations. This means that you can ask follow-up questions or change the subject without having to repeat yourself or provide additional context. Gemini Live will keep track of the conversation and respond accordingly, making it feel like you’re talking to a real person.

Interrupting Gemini Live: A Seamless Experience

One of the most impressive things about Gemini Live is its ability to be interrupted. Just like you would with a friend, you can cut off Gemini Live mid-sentence and ask it a new question. Gemini Live will stop talking and wait for you to finish speaking, then it will respond to your question as if it had been expecting it.

This makes it much easier to have natural conversations with Gemini Live. You don’t have to worry about waiting for it to finish speaking or finding a polite way to interrupt it. You can just talk to it like you would any other person.

Future Plans: Vision and Beyond

Google has big plans for Gemini Live. In the future, they plan to add the ability for it to “see” things using your camera. This will allow you to do things like point it at math equations on a paper for homework help, or ask it to look at your bedroom and give you tips on how to decorate it.

Gemini Live will also become a better researcher, offering multi-step plans on how to achieve your goals. For example, let’s say you want to open a restaurant business in New York City, but you have no idea how to even start. Instead of taking hours to research the steps you need to take, Gemini Live will outline a step-by-step plan for you, allowing you to figuratively get to where you want to go faster.

Conclusion: A True Threat to ChatGPT

Gemini Live is a major step forward for Google’s AI chatbot ambitions. It’s the first Google AI chatbot that can truly have continuous conversations, remember the context of your conversations, and be interrupted seamlessly. These features make it a much more natural and enjoyable experience to use than ChatGPT.

With its upcoming features, such as the ability to “see” things and offer multi-step plans, Gemini Live is poised to become a major player in the AI chatbot space. It’s a true threat to ChatGPT and it will be exciting to see how these two giants compete in the years to come.