French runner reveals what he said to Team GB star who squared up to him in ugly bust-up at Olympics

Clash of the Titans: Hugo Hay and George Mills’ Post-Race Altercation at the 2024 Olympics

The highly anticipated men’s 5000m heat at the 2024 Olympics took an ugly turn as a heated altercation erupted between Team GB’s George Mills and France’s Hugo Hay. The incident, which occurred during the race’s closing stretch, left both athletes entangled on the track.

The Initial Collision

With less than 200 meters remaining, Mills, the son of former Premier League footballer Danny Mills, made a determined move to overtake Hay. However, as he closed in on the Frenchman, their elbows collided, causing both athletes to stumble and fall. Hay managed to regain his footing and continued the race, while Mills lay writhing on the track.

Post-Race Confrontation

In the aftermath of the fall, Mills, who was visibly upset, confronted Hay at the finish line. Footage captured by television cameras showed Mills approaching Hay and appearing to swear at him. The confrontation escalated into a physical altercation, with the two men pushing and shoving each other.

Mills’ Reaction

Speaking to the BBC after the race, Mills claimed that Hay had deliberately tripped him. “I got stepped out on…then boom, the French lad took me down!” he exclaimed. When asked what he had said to Hay during the altercation, Mills declined to elaborate, stating that he was “not allowed to say.”

Hay’s Defense

Hay, for his part, expressed surprise at Mills’ accusations. In an interview with the media, he stated, “I just hope that I didn’t do anything and I will not be disqualified. For me, that was nothing. I will watch the images and if I’m the guy that did it, I will apologize. For me, I didn’t do anything. I just hope that I can go in the final.”

Mills’ Appeal and Outcome

Despite missing out on automatic qualification for the final, Mills lodged an appeal with British Athletics. The race referee subsequently accepted the appeal and advanced Mills, along with three other athletes who had also been involved in collisions during the race, to the final scheduled for Saturday.

Wider Implications

The incident between Mills and Hay has sparked a wider debate about the level of sportsmanship and fair play at major sporting events. Some commentators have criticized Mills for his aggressive behavior towards Hay, while others have questioned whether Hay’s collision with Mills was intentional.

Regardless of the outcome of any potential disciplinary action, the altercation has undoubtedly cast a shadow over what should have been a thrilling and competitive race. It serves as a reminder that even in the pursuit of sporting glory, the principles of respect and fair play must always prevail.


The clash between George Mills and Hugo Hay at the 2024 Olympics will likely be remembered as one of the most controversial incidents in recent track and field history. While the full circumstances of the altercation may never be fully known, the incident raises important questions about the boundaries of acceptable behavior in competitive sport.