FIRST TAKE | Ramaphosa breaks cover as he reaches for NHI, economic reform

Police Rescue 90 Kidnapped Ethiopians, Racism Probe Launched at Pretoria High School

Extensive Coverage of Recent Events

This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of recent significant events that have captured the attention of South Africans. From the harrowing rescue of kidnapped Ethiopians to the ongoing racism probe at Pretoria High School for Girls, we explore the details and implications of these pressing issues.

Rescue of 90 Kidnapped Ethiopians

In a heart-wrenching incident, South African police successfully rescued 90 Ethiopian nationals who were being held captive in deplorable conditions in Johannesburg. The victims, who had been abducted upon entering the country illegally, endured unimaginable suffering, including overcrowding, lack of food and water, and unsanitary living conditions.

The successful operation underscores the ongoing challenges of human trafficking and the need for stricter border controls. The rescued individuals are now receiving medical attention and support to recover from their ordeal.

Racism Probe at Pretoria High School for Girls

The Gauteng Education MEC has initiated a fresh racism investigation at Pretoria High School for Girls following the acquittal of 12 pupils accused of racial misconduct. A previous probe by the School Governing Body (SGB) cleared the students of wrongdoing, sparking outrage and accusations of a cover-up.

The new probe aims to ascertain the validity of the SGB’s findings amidst allegations of bias and inadequate evidence-gathering. The investigation will examine whether the school has taken appropriate steps to address racism and promote inclusivity within its student body.

Rwanda Shuts Down 185 Churches

In a controversial move, the Rwandan government has closed down 185 churches for allegedly operating illegally. The churches were found to be violating building codes, lacking proper documentation, and engaging in noise pollution, among other offenses.

Critics have raised concerns about religious freedom and excessive government interference, while the authorities maintain that the actions are necessary to maintain order and ensure the safety of citizens.

Controversy Surrounding KZN Accountant

A controversial KwaZulu-Natal accountant has been accused of receiving close to R8 million from Mhlathuze Water as part of an alleged corruption scheme. The revelations have sparked an investigation into the accountant’s dealings and the potential involvement of other officials.

The allegations highlight the need for transparency and accountability in the public sector. The probe is expected to uncover the extent of corruption and hold those responsible to account.

Murder and Corruption: The Untold Story

A murdered corruption investigator kept his fears of death threats secret from his superiors. The revelation has raised questions about the safety of those tasked with uncovering corruption and the need for better protection measures.

This case exposes the risks and challenges faced by individuals working to combat corruption. It also underscores the importance of supporting and safeguarding those who are committed to uncovering wrongdoing and promoting ethical practices.


The events discussed in this blog post highlight a range of pressing issues facing South Africa and the world. From human trafficking and racism to religious freedom and corruption, these incidents serve as a reminder of the need for vigilance, accountability, and unwavering efforts to create a just and equitable society.

As these investigations and probes continue, it is crucial to monitor their progress and demand transparency in order to address the root causes of these problems and ensure a better future for all.