Family, Friends of Swedish Diplomat Facing Death Penalty in Iran Speak Out

Johan Floderus: A Swedish Diplomat Facing the Death Penalty in Iran

Johan Floderus, a 33-year-old Swedish diplomat, has been detained in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison for over 20 months. He is accused of spying for Iran’s foes, in particular, Israel, and faces the death penalty.

Floderus was working with Afghan refugees in Iran on behalf of the EU when he was detained at Tehran’s airport in April 2022. He was charged and tried for “corruption on earth,” a charge that can be punished with death.

Floderus’s family and friends say he has endured a “horrible situation” during his detention. They have broken their silence and are now speaking out about his case, calling for his release.

Iran’s “Hostage Diplomacy”

Floderus’s arrest is part of a repeating pattern in which foreign nationals are entangled in legal ordeals in Iran. The country’s ruling mullahs use these cases to extort money or other goals from the West.

Rights groups and Western governments have repeatedly accused Iran of “hostage diplomacy.” They say the Iranian government uses trumped-up charges to extract political concessions, release funds held abroad by international sanctions, or in prisoner exchanges.

Floderus’s Case

Floderus’s trial is being handled by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran, headed by the clerical judge, Iman Afshari. Afshari is known for his harsh sentences on political activists, artists, and women.

The court concluded Floderus’s hearing after five sessions in an almost-empty courtroom. The Iranian judiciary’s official outlet, Mizan News, reported that the prosecutors accused Floderus of a “very extensive intelligence cooperation with the Zionist occupation regime,” and said that his travel history was clear evidence of his involvement in activities that “threaten Iran’s national security”.

Afshari gave a week for Floderus’ lawyer to submit their defense, and did not give a verdict date.

Floderus’s Family and Friends

Floderus’s sister, Ingrid, said: “We are very close with Johan and always spoke on almost a daily basis. He is such a freedom-loving and stubborn person. Since his arrest, we have been only able to talk a few times. I can’t imagine how horrible the situation he is in, but he is still full of life and trying to stay strong.”

Emily Atkinson, a close friend of Floderus, said: “Johan is someone who always brings people together. We have been left with a massive gap in our life without him, and we are also being taken hostage by the appalling situation,” she said as she struggled to keep back tears during a conversation with VICE News.

“I want to say: Johan, hold on. We’re here for you. We’ve rallied for you. We’re speaking up for you, and we’re here waiting for you. Hold on and stay strong.”

Pressure on Sweden

Floderus’s arrest is likely to put pressure on Sweden in the case of the arrest of Iranian former prison official Hamid Nouri.

Nouri was detained upon arrival at Stockholm Airport in November 2019, and later charged with involvement in the killing of thousands of Iranian political prisoners in 1988.

Nouri was sentenced to life “for grave breaches of international humanitarian law and murder,” by a Swedish court in July 2022. The Iranian government called the case “politically motivated.”

Floderus’s family hopes that Sweden will use all its resources to secure his release.