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Teenager known as ‘Baby K’ gets 25 years for school bus attack

A teenager known as ‘Baby K’ has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for her role in a school bus attack that left one student dead and several others injured.

The attack occurred in October 2021, when Baby K and two other teenagers boarded a school bus in Maryland and began attacking the students on board. The attack lasted for several minutes and resulted in the death of one student and injuries to several others.

Baby K was convicted of first-degree murder, attempted murder, and other charges in connection with the attack. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison, which is the maximum sentence allowed for a juvenile offender in Maryland.

The other two teenagers involved in the attack have also been convicted and sentenced to prison. One of the teenagers was sentenced to 20 years in prison, and the other was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The school bus attack was a horrific event that left one family grieving and several others traumatized. The sentencing of Baby K and the other teenagers involved in the attack sends a strong message that such violence will not be tolerated.

The impact of the attack

The school bus attack had a profound impact on the victims, their families, and the community as a whole. The victim’s family was left devastated by the loss of their loved one. The injured students were left with physical and emotional scars that will likely stay with them for the rest of their lives.

The community was also deeply affected by the attack. The attack raised concerns about school safety and the safety of children in general. It also led to increased scrutiny of the juvenile justice system and the way that it handles violent offenders.

The sentencing of Baby K

The sentencing of Baby K was a controversial decision. Some people believe that she should have received a longer sentence, while others believe that she should have received a more lenient sentence. However, the judge who sentenced Baby K took into account her age and her lack of prior criminal history when making her decision.

The sentencing of Baby K sends a strong message that violence will not be tolerated. It also sends a message that the juvenile justice system is committed to rehabilitating young offenders and giving them a second chance.


The school bus attack was a horrific event that had a profound impact on the victims, their families, and the community as a whole. The sentencing of Baby K and the other teenagers involved in the attack sends a strong message that such violence will not be tolerated.