Expert tips from the Laundry Evangelist: How often should you really wash your sheets?

How Often Should You Wash Your Bedding? Expert Tips from the Laundry Evangelist

Maintaining clean and fresh bedding is essential for a good night’s sleep and overall health. Patric Richardson, host of “The Laundry Evangelist” on YouTube, shared invaluable advice with ABC News on how to care for your sheets and comforters to keep them in top condition.

How Often Should You Wash Your Bedding?

Richardson said the frequency of washing your bedding depends on what you wear to bed.

  • If you sleep in pajamas, washing your sheets once every 10 days is sufficient.
  • However, if you prefer nightshirts or sleep pants, aim to wash them weekly.
  • For those who sleep in nothing but their favorite fragrance, or if your pet shares the bed, it’s best to wash your sheets every 3-4 days.

As for comforters, if you use a duvet cover, washing the comforter every couple of months is adequate.

What is the Best Way to Wash Your Sheets?

When it comes to the washing process, Richardson recommended using a quick wash setting with warm water. This method effectively removes oils from your body without damaging the fibers of your sheets. A short cycle is gentle on the fabric, ensuring your sheets remain soft and durable.

Tip: Treat your sheets like lingerie

Richardson believes your sheets deserve the same care as your lingerie. This means using as few ingredients as possible in your laundry routine.

Skip fabric softeners and scent boosters, as these can irritate your skin due to the fragrances. Instead, use dryer balls to speed up drying time and prevent your sheets from knotting in the dryer. For a subtle scent, consider adding a few drops of essential oil, like lavender, to the wool dryer balls.

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, Richardson recommended sticking to classic cotton sheets, which have been trusted for centuries. He also advised being cautious about the ingredients in your detergents to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Don’t Forget to Vacuum Your Mattress

One often-overlooked step in the laundry routine is vacuuming your mattress. Richardson highlighted how much dust and debris can accumulate, and how vacuuming can contribute to a cleaner sleep environment.