Elon Musk Repeats Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory In Latest Attack On Keir Starmer

Elon Musk Sparks Controversy with Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory


Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has sparked controversy by repeating a right-wing conspiracy theory in his latest attack on UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s handling of recent riots.

Musk’s comments, made on social media, have drawn criticism from politicians and commentators, who have accused him of fueling division and promoting dangerous narratives.

The Conspiracy Theory

The conspiracy theory that Musk repeated claims that police in the UK have been “two-tiered” in their response to recent disorder, being harsher in their treatment of anti-lockdown protests and violence against Muslims than they were in dealing with pro-Palestine demonstrations.

There is no evidence to support this claim, and it has been rejected by UK government officials and law enforcement agencies.

Elon Musk’s Comments

Musk first weighed in on the riots on Sunday, tweeting that “civil war is inevitable” in the UK. The following day, he responded to a video of Starmer condemning attacks on mosques and Muslim communities by asking, “Shouldn’t you be concerned about attacks on all communities?”

Following a video of a group of Muslims attacking a pub in Birmingham, Musk again questioned Starmer’s commitment to protecting all communities and added the hashtag “#TwoTierKeir,” which has been used by right-wing activists to promote the two-tiered policing conspiracy theory.

Reactions to Musk’s Comments

Musk’s comments have been met with widespread condemnation. UK Justice Minister Heidi Alexander described them as “pretty deplorable,” while a spokesperson for Prime Minister Starmer said that there is “no two-tier policing” in the UK.

Critics have accused Musk of spreading misinformation, promoting division, and exacerbating tensions in the UK. Some have also called for him to be banned from social media platforms for his inflammatory rhetoric.

Musk’s Motivation

It is unclear why Musk has chosen to repeat this conspiracy theory. Some have speculated that he is seeking to curry favor with right-wing supporters in the UK, while others have suggested that he is simply seeking to stir controversy.

Musk has a history of making provocative statements on social media, and he has often been accused of using Twitter to promote his own interests and to attack his critics.


Elon Musk’s latest comments have sparked a heated debate about the role of social media in spreading misinformation and promoting division. His repetition of a right-wing conspiracy theory has drawn widespread condemnation and has raised questions about his motives.

It remains to be seen whether Musk will face any consequences for his actions. However, the controversy surrounding his comments is a reminder of the power of social media to shape public opinion and to influence political discourse.