Elmo’s social media wellness check inspired a nationwide mental health survey

Elmo’s Wellness Check-In: Uncovering America’s Mental Health Crisis


Earlier this year, Elmo’s simple wellness check-in on social media sparked an unexpected surge of online angst. The beloved Sesame Street character’s innocent question, “How is everybody doing?,” elicited a torrent of responses expressing existential dread, burnout, and general disenchantment.

Sesame Workshop’s Survey on Well-Being

Inspired by Elmo’s viral moment, Sesame Workshop partnered with The Harris Poll to conduct a comprehensive survey exploring the “state of well-being in America.” The survey, published in May, interviewed over 2,000 Americans ages 16 and older.

Key Findings

* Mental health emerged as a top priority for American families, nearly equal to economic stability.
* A third of parents and half of teens reported significant mental health issues affecting their well-being.
* Common stressors cited included physical health, climate change, lack of social support, and discrimination.
* 67% of respondents wished their parents had been more open about their mental health struggles.

The Importance of Mental Health

Elmo’s viral wellness check-in highlighted the urgent need to prioritize mental health and emotional well-being. The survey results reinforce this message, indicating that mental health issues are pervasive and significantly impact the lives of Americans.

Educating for Well-Being

The survey also revealed a growing recognition of the importance of social and emotional skills in education. A majority of Gen Z, millennials, and educators believe schools should focus on these skills as much as academics.

Promoting Kindness and Empathy

Despite the challenges facing Americans, the survey also found a glimmer of hope. A vast majority of respondents emphasized the importance of promoting kindness in society. Elmo himself has shared a message of empathy, encouraging people to check in on their friends and loved ones.


Elmo’s innocent question revealed a profound truth: Americans are struggling with their mental health. Sesame Workshop’s survey and the subsequent conversation it has sparked highlight the urgent need to address this crisis. By prioritizing mental health, promoting kindness, and educating for well-being, we can create a more supportive and resilient society for all.