Donald Trump Claims Tim Walz Will ‘Unleash HELL ON EARTH’


In a fiery response to the announcement of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of dire predictions, painting a grim picture of what he believes Walz’s presence on the ticket would mean for the country.

Trump’s Dire Warnings

In an email to his supporters, Trump asserted that Walz, despite his record as a moderate governor, would prove even more detrimental to the nation than Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. “HE’S THAT BAD,” Trump’s email proclaimed.

Trump’s rhetoric escalated, accusing Walz of being a harbinger of chaos and destruction: “He’ll unleash HELL ON EARTH and open our borders to the worst criminals imaginable.”

Walz’s Progressive Record

Standing in stark contrast to Trump’s incendiary claims, Walz has established a progressive track record as Minnesota’s governor. He has championed several progressive policies, including a Medicaid buy-in, paid family and medical leave, a phase-out of fossil fuels, and free school lunches for all.

Walz’s past experience in the U.S. House of Representatives further underscores his moderate leanings. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described him as “right down the middle” and “a heartland of America Democrat.”

Different Reactions from Both Sides

Republicans expressed relief that Harris did not select a more moderate Democrat, such as Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, as her running mate. Shapiro was seen as a potential asset in securing a win in the crucial battleground state of Pennsylvania.

Independent lawmakers, however, praised Harris’s choice of Walz. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia called him “the real deal” and expressed his belief that he would “help bring our country closer together and bring balance back to the Democratic Party.”

Walz’s Potential Impact

While Republicans are likely to criticize any vice presidential nominee Harris chooses, Walz could provide a strategic advantage for the Democrats. His appeal to rural and more conservative voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan could prove valuable in these closely contested swing states.

Harris’s statement on Walz’s selection highlighted his commitment to working families: “It’s personal. As a governor, a coach, a teacher, and a veteran, he’s delivered for working families like his own. We are going to build a great partnership. We start out as underdogs but I believe together, we can win this election.”


The choice of Tim Walz as the Democratic vice presidential nominee has elicited strong reactions from both Republicans and Democrats. While Trump has sought to cast Walz in a negative light, Harris has emphasized his record of fighting for working families. Whether Walz’s presence on the ticket will significantly impact the outcome of the election remains to be seen.