Death of Ohio man in police custody ruled a homicide by coroner’s office

Homicide Ruling in the Death of Frank Tyson: An In-Depth Analysis


The tragic death of Frank Tyson, a 53-year-old Black man, while in police custody has sparked outrage and raised serious questions about the use of excessive force and the importance of accountability. This blog post will delve into the details of this case, exploring the autopsy report, body camera footage, and the implications for law enforcement and society.

The Autopsy Report

The preliminary autopsy report released by the Stark County Coroner’s Office lists the causes of death as cardiopulmonary arrest in association with physical altercation and prone restraint, as well as acute intoxication by cocaine and ethanol. This report indicates that Tyson’s death was directly related to the physical altercation with police, as well as the effects of substance use.

Body Camera Footage

Disturbing body camera footage captured the encounter between Tyson and police officers at an AMVETS post in Canton, Ohio. The video shows Tyson resisting arrest and repeatedly stating that he cannot breathe. Despite his pleas, officers handcuff him face down and appear to use their body weight to restrain him. Tyson remains motionless on the floor for more than five minutes before officers check for a pulse.

The footage raises concerns about the excessive use of force and the officers’ failure to provide timely medical attention.

Homicide Ruling

A homicide ruling does not necessarily imply that a crime has been committed. However, it signifies that Tyson’s death was the result of the actions of another person or persons. In this case, the homicide ruling highlights the need for a thorough investigation into the officers’ conduct.

Implications for Law Enforcement

The death of Frank Tyson underscores the critical importance of proper police training and accountability. Law enforcement officers must be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with individuals in crisis and to use force only when absolutely necessary.

Furthermore, there is a need for robust oversight mechanisms to ensure that officers are held accountable for their actions. Independent investigations and citizen review boards can play a vital role in fostering transparency and preventing future incidents of excessive force.

Implications for Society

The death of Frank Tyson has reignited the debate about systemic racism and police brutality in the United States. It is essential to acknowledge that many marginalized communities, particularly communities of color, face disproportionate levels of police violence and incarceration.

This incident highlights the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to address the root causes of police misconduct and to create a more just and equitable society. This includes addressing issues of poverty, mental health, and substance abuse, which often intersect with law enforcement interactions.


The death of Frank Tyson is a tragic reminder of the human cost of excessive police force. The homicide ruling and the disturbing body camera footage demand a comprehensive investigation and systemic reforms to prevent such incidents from happening again. It is crucial that law enforcement agencies prioritize accountability, transparency, and respect for human rights while also investing in community-based solutions to address the underlying issues that contribute to police violence. Only through meaningful and sustained efforts can we build a more just and equitable society for all.