Death and dysfunction: Murdered corruption investigator kept death threat fears secret from bosses

South Africa: Police and Education in Turmoil

Police Rescue 90 Kidnapped Ethiopians

In a shocking incident, police in Johannesburg have rescued 90 kidnapped Ethiopians who were being held captive in “inhumane conditions.” The victims had been subjected to torture, starvation, and sexual abuse by their captors. The rescue operation follows a tip-off that led police to a house in the Rosettenville area. The discovery has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the trafficking of migrants in South Africa.

MEC Launches Racism Probe at Pretoria High School for Girls

The Gauteng Education MEC has launched a new probe into racism allegations at Pretoria High School for Girls. The investigation comes after 12 pupils were found not guilty of posting racist videos on social media. The MEC has expressed concern about the school’s processes and the effectiveness of its anti-racism policies. The probe will examine the school’s handling of the incident and its commitment to creating a non-discriminatory environment.

Rwanda Shuts Down 185 Churches

The Rwandan government has shut down 185 churches for failing to meet safety regulations and violating building codes. The closures aim to ensure the safety of worshippers and address potential hazards. The authorities have also revoked the licenses of 71 pastors for failing to comply with the government’s regulations. The crackdown has drawn criticism from some religious leaders, who argue that the government is interfering with religious freedom.

Controversial Accountant Gets R8m from Mhlathuze Water Bonanza

In a controversial development, a KZN accountant has reportedly received almost R8 million from the Mhlathuze Water Authority. The accountant is said to have benefited from a tender that was allegedly inflated and irregular. The revelations have sparked calls for an investigation into the alleged corruption. The municipality has defended the tender, claiming that it was awarded fairly and transparently.

Murdered Corruption Investigator Kept Death Threat Fears Secret from Bosses

The late corruption investigator, Babita Deokaran, had kept her fears of receiving death threats secret from her superiors. This revelation has raised questions about the safety of whistle-blowers in South Africa. Deokaran was assassinated in 2021 after uncovering corruption at the Gauteng Health Department. Her murder sent shockwaves through the country and highlighted the dangers faced by those who expose corruption.

News24 Launches Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

News24 has launched a new magazine dedicated to luxury and lifestyle. The magazine, called “Indulge,” will cater to readers interested in the finer things in life. It will feature articles on fashion, food, travel, and more. The magazine’s debut issue features an interview with renowned winemaker Eben Sadie and an exploration of the latest luxury trends.

Free Audiobook for Subscribers

News24 subscribers can enjoy a free audiobook this month. The audiobook, “The CEO X Factor” by KC Rottok Chesaina, provides insights into the success principles of top CEOs. The book offers practical tips and strategies for career advancement and business growth. Subscribers can listen to the audiobook for free through the News24 website or app.

Voting Booth on Racism Probe

News24 is conducting a poll to gauge public opinion on the racism probe launched at Pretoria High School for Girls. Readers are invited to vote whether they believe the probe is warranted or an example of political interference. The results of the poll will be published in due course.