Chris Sununu to Republicans: Personal attacks on Harris ‘not helpful at all’

“You have to stop the personal attacks,” the New Hampshire governor said.


In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s relentless personal attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, New Hampshire’s Republican Governor Chris Sununu has urged his party to refrain from such tactics and instead focus on criticizing Harris’ policy record. Sununu’s call for unity and positivity echoes the sentiments of other Republican leaders who have expressed concerns that personal attacks could alienate voters and damage the party’s chances of success in the upcoming election.

The Case for Policy-Based Criticism

Sununu argues that Republicans have a wealth of legitimate issues to criticize Harris on, including her record as a senator and California attorney general. By focusing on these issues, Republicans can present a clear and convincing case for why Harris is not qualified to be president. Personal attacks, on the other hand, are not only ineffective but can also backfire by turning off voters and making Republicans appear petty and mean-spirited.

The Danger of Alienating Voters

Sununu is particularly concerned about the potential for personal attacks to alienate independent voters, who are often the key to victory in close elections. Independent voters are typically more moderate than either Democrats or Republicans, and they are more likely to be swayed by policy-based arguments than by personal attacks. By engaging in personal attacks, Republicans risk driving away these crucial voters and handing the election to the Democrats.

The Importance of Party Unity

Sununu also emphasizes the importance of party unity in the upcoming election. He believes that Republicans must present a united front if they want to defeat the Democrats. Personal attacks can sow discord within the party and make it more difficult to get everyone on the same page. By focusing on policy-based criticism, Republicans can avoid infighting and present a more cohesive message to the electorate.


Governor Sununu’s call for an end to personal attacks is a wise one. By focusing on policy-based criticism, Republicans can present a clear and convincing case for why Harris is not qualified to be president. They can also avoid alienating independent voters and damage the party’s chances of success in the upcoming election. The stakes are high in this election, and Republicans cannot afford to let personal attacks get in the way of their goal of winning back the White House.