By a technicality, August’s full moon is blue. Here’s why.

The Blue Moon: A Misunderstood Phenomenon

A blue moon is often referred to as a special celestial event, but in reality, it’s nothing more than a full moon that occurs under specific circumstances. Let’s delve into the intricacies of blue moons and uncover the truth behind their enigmatic nature.

Seasonal Blue Moons

According to the Maine Farmers’ Almanac, a blue moon occurs when a tropical year, which runs from one winter solstice to the next, experiences 13 full moons instead of the usual 12. The third full moon within this four-moon season is designated as a blue moon.

This particular type of blue moon is based on the arbitrary concept of the tropical year and is not related to the actual appearance or behavior of the moon.

Calendar Blue Moons

In 1946, an error in reporting by James Hugh Pruett led to the misconception that a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. This “fool’s blue moon” definition has gained popularity over time, further complicating the true meaning of blue moons.

Calendar blue moons, therefore, have no scientific or astronomical significance and are merely a result of the way we organize our calendars.

The Origin of the Blue Moon Phrase

Despite the modern associations with full moons, the phrase “once in a blue moon” actually originated long before the term blue moon was applied to lunar events. The earliest known use of the phrase dates back to the 16th century and refers to something that occurs very rarely or infrequently.

Lunar Appearance

It’s important to note that blue moons do not actually appear blue in color. The moon’s appearance can be affected by atmospheric conditions, such as volcanic eruptions, which can scatter blue light and give the moon a bluish hue. However, these occurrences are rare and not related to the concept of blue moons.

Observing a Blue Moon

If you’re eager to witness a blue moon, simply look up at the night sky during the designated time. Blue moons occur with the same regularity as any other full moon and can be observed with the naked eye or through binoculars or telescopes for a closer view.


While the term blue moon may have captured our imaginations, it’s crucial to understand the true nature of this celestial phenomenon. Blue moons are simply full moons that occur under specific circumstances, and their designation is a product of arbitrary conventions rather than any inherent significance.

So, the next time you hear about a blue moon, remember that it’s just a celestial dance that follows its own unique rhythm, and enjoy the beauty of the full moon in all its phases.