Book Extract | My happiest moment: MK Founder in his own words

Unlocking a Wealth of Knowledge with News24’s Free Subscription Trial


In an era marked by constant information overload, it is crucial for South Africans to stay informed to build a prosperous future. For 25 years, News24 has served as a beacon of journalistic integrity, providing citizens with the news and insights they need to navigate the complexities of our society.

The Importance of Informed Citizenship

When citizens are well-informed, they are empowered to make informed decisions, hold their leaders accountable, and actively participate in shaping the trajectory of their nation. News24’s commitment to fearless journalism ensures that South Africans have access to the unbiased and accurate information necessary for such civic engagement.

Benefits of the Free Subscription Trial

To further its mission of empowering the South African public, News24 is offering a free subscription trial that unlocks a world of premium content aimed to inform, empower, and inspire. This trial provides subscribers with:

  • Unlimited access to articles: Read in-depth and exclusive news stories, opinion pieces, and analysis from respected journalists.
  • Enhanced user experience: Enjoy a clutter-free reading experience with no paywalls or advertisements.
  • Personalized recommendations: Discover articles tailored to your interests based on your reading history.
  • Interactive features: Engage with other readers through comments and discussions, sharing your insights and perspectives.

Creating a Prosperous Future

By unlocking this wealth of knowledge, News24 empowers South Africans to:

  • Stay abreast of current events and their potential impact.
  • Understand complex issues and make informed decisions.
  • Hold leaders accountable and advocate for transparency.
  • Contribute meaningfully to conversations about the future of South Africa.

Together, we can create a society where citizens are engaged, empowered, and equipped to shape a prosperous and equitable future for all.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unlock a whole new world of news and insights. Sign up for News24’s free subscription trial today and become a part of the informed and empowered citizenry that will shape the future of South Africa.