Bear surprises teacher as she prepares classroom for 1st day of school

A Bear’s Classroom Surprise

A teacher prepares her classroom for the first day of school, but has an unexpected visitor.

As Elaine Salmon, an elementary school teacher in Pine Mountain Club, California, returned from making copies in the school office, she was greeted by a surprise visitor: a wild bear. The bear had wandered into her classroom, prompting Salmon to quickly close the door and lock the animal inside.

Salmon’s first concern was the safety of her classroom and the decorations she had put up in anticipation of the new school year. However, the bear caused minimal damage, only breaking into an earthquake emergency box that contained food. Salmon noted that bears are common in the area, but have never approached the school while students were present.

With her husband Ian Sawrey’s help, Salmon attempted to get the bear’s attention by banging on the classroom windows. After a few minutes, the bear emerged from the classroom and retreated into the surrounding woods.

The incident highlights the potential for unexpected encounters with wildlife, even in areas where human activity is common. Salmon’s quick thinking and the assistance of her husband ensured the safety of the classroom and prevented any serious damage.

As the school year begins, it is important to remember that wildlife can pose a risk to both individuals and property. By taking precautions such as securing food sources and being aware of the presence of wildlife, we can minimize the potential for conflicts.

Additional Considerations:

  • The importance of wildlife awareness and education in schools and communities.
  • The role of wildlife agencies in managing bear populations and reducing human-bear conflicts.
  • The need for responsible behavior when encountering wildlife, including maintaining a safe distance and avoiding feeding or approaching animals.
  • The potential impact of climate change on wildlife behavior and distribution, and the need to adapt our strategies for wildlife management accordingly.


The unexpected visit from a bear in Elaine Salmon’s classroom serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and wildlife. By understanding and respecting the needs of wildlife, we can create a more harmonious coexistence for both species.