All troops to get baseline cognitive testing in bid to treat traumatic injuries: DOD

DOD Mandates Baseline Cognitive Testing for Troops to Enhance Brain Health Protection

In a significant move to safeguard the brain health of service members, the Pentagon has implemented a series of measures, including mandatory baseline cognitive testing for all new recruits starting next year. This initiative aims to facilitate the timely diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Tragic Incident Prompts Action

The new policy comes nine months after a tragic shooting rampage in Maine, where an Army Reservist was responsible for the death of 18 individuals and injuries to 13 others. A posthumous examination of the reservist’s brain revealed “likely” evidence of TBI, raising concerns about the potential impact of repeated blasts during training exercises.

Understanding the Risks of Blast Overpressure

The Pentagon acknowledges that while the effects of “blast overpressure” on brain health are not fully understood, research indicates that repeated exposure can impair brain function and cognitive performance. Symptoms associated with blast overpressure exposure include headaches, attention deficit, and memory loss.

Baseline Testing for Early Diagnosis

Baseline cognitive testing, previously only conducted before deployment, will now be administered to all personnel entering service, enabling comparison with brain scans obtained after potential blast exposures. This will facilitate early identification and diagnosis of TBIs, ensuring prompt treatment and intervention.

Additional Protective Measures

Alongside the implementation of baseline testing, the Pentagon has directed services to increase the distance between personnel and weapon blasts during training. Protective equipment is also required for individuals firing certain weapons, including instructors. These measures are designed to minimize exposure to potentially harmful blast waves.

Balancing Training Needs and Risk Mitigation

The Pentagon emphasizes that the new policy is not intended to impede essential weapons training. Rather, it establishes guidelines for practical risk management actions to mitigate blast overpressure exposure across the Department of Defense (DoD).

Implementation Timeline

Baseline cognitive testing will be mandatory for all new recruits entering service after December 31, 2023. Active-duty troops will receive baseline testing by the end of 2025. The DoD will also implement the new distance and protective equipment requirements for training exercises.


The Pentagon’s comprehensive approach to brain health protection, including mandatory baseline cognitive testing and other preventive measures, demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of service members. These initiatives are expected to improve the diagnosis and treatment of TBIs, ensuring that troops have the best possible support for their physical and cognitive health.