Afghanistan is a US election issue. Will its refugees’ voices be heard?

On the 3rd Anniversary of US Troop Withdrawal, Advocates Push Candidates for Refugee Pathways

As the 3rd anniversary of the US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan approaches, advocates for Afghan refugees are urging presidential candidates to address the ongoing need for legal pathways for vulnerable Afghans.

Uncertain Future for Those Left Behind

Despite the relocation of over 160,000 Afghans since the withdrawal, many remain in dire situations, particularly those who worked directly with the US military or government. Advocacy groups argue that current immigration pathways are inadequate and fail to provide permanent residency options for many evacuees.

Political Silence and Advocacy

The subject of Afghanistan has been largely absent in the 2024 presidential campaign discourse, with Democrats avoiding the topic and Republicans using it as a partisan tool. Afghan refugees and advocates feel marginalized and their concerns overlooked.

Immigration Reform and Support

Advocates call for increased legal pathways, streamlining of applications, and a process for humanitarian parole recipients to adjust their status to lawful permanent residency. They also emphasize the need for funding for resettlement services and mental health support for Afghans in the US.

Impact on US and Global Standing

Supporting Afghanistan and its people is seen as a way for the US to maintain its global leadership and demonstrate its commitment to its allies. However, policies that fail to provide protection to vulnerable Afghans undermine this standing.

Message to Candidates

Afghan refugee advocates urge presidential candidates to prioritize the following:

  • Immigration reform and expanded legal pathways for Afghans
  • Funding for resettlement and support services
  • A commitment to honoring the US’s pledges to its allies

By addressing these concerns, the candidates can not only support the Afghan community but also uphold American values and strengthen its reputation on the world stage.