Activists break into Lionel Messi’s mansion and vandalise it with ominous message to Inter Miami star

Lionel Messi’s Ibiza Mansion Vandalized by Climate Activists

Activists broke into the Argentinian footballer’s luxury property and painted it red and black in protest against social inequality and climate change.


Lionel Messi, the legendary Argentine footballer, has fallen victim to a break-in and vandalism at one of his mansions in Ibiza, Spain. The incident, perpetrated by climate activist group Futuro Vegetal, has sparked outrage and drawn attention to the growing concerns about social inequality and environmental degradation.

The Incident

On Thursday, August 18, 2023, members of Futuro Vegetal gained entry into Messi’s £9 million mansion on the Spanish island. The activists proceeded to cover the property in red and black paint, leaving behind a stark message: “Help the planet, eat the rich, abolish the police.” Two members of the group were photographed holding up a banner with the same message, conveying their demands for social and environmental justice.

Futuro Vegetal’s Motives

Futuro Vegetal, a climate activist group, justified their actions by citing the “illegal construction” of Messi’s mansion and the exorbitant sum of money he paid for it. They drew attention to the severe heat wave in the Balearic Islands, which had claimed the lives of several people, and argued that the economic inequality exemplified by Messi’s lavish lifestyle is a contributing factor to the climate crisis.

The group’s statement emphasized that the richest 1% of the population emits the same amount of carbon emissions as the poorest two-thirds, exposing the significant role that wealth disparity plays in environmental degradation. Futuro Vegetal believes that addressing social inequality is crucial in combating the climate crisis.

Messi’s Absence

At the time of the incident, Messi was away on vacation after helping Argentina win the Copa America championship. He is currently recovering from an ankle injury and has not announced a return date to professional football.

Reactions and Implications

The vandalism of Messi’s mansion has sparked mixed reactions. Some have expressed support for Futuro Vegetal’s message, recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change and social inequality. Others have condemned the activists’ actions as vandalism and an infringement on private property.

The incident has highlighted the growing tensions and polarization surrounding the climate crisis and economic disparities. It has also raised questions about the responsibility of wealthy individuals and celebrities in promoting social and environmental justice.


The vandalism of Lionel Messi’s mansion by Futuro Vegetal is a multifaceted event that touches upon issues of climate change, social inequality, wealth disparity, and the role of celebrities in social activism. The incident has sparked important conversations and debate about these pressing concerns, and its long-term implications remain to be seen.