Zelenskyy fires Ukraine’s air force commander after deadly F-16 crash

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Fires Air Force Commander Amidst F-16 Crash Investigation


On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed the country’s air force commander, Mykola Oleshchuk, in the wake of an F-16 warplane crash that claimed the life of the pilot. The incident occurred during a Russian bombardment four days prior, and the president emphasized the need to prioritize personnel protection and strengthen the army’s command level.

Dismissal of Air Force Commander

The order to remove Oleshchuk from his post was published on the presidential website, with Zelenskyy expressing his grave concern for the safety of the troops. Anatolii Kryvonozhko was subsequently named acting air force commander by the army’s general staff.

Controversial Allegations and Criticism

The dismissal came on the same day that Oleshchuk denounced the allegations made by Mariana Bezuhla, deputy head of the Ukrainian parliament’s defense committee, who suggested that the F-16 had been downed by a Patriot air-defense system. Oleshchuk condemned Bezuhla’s statement as defamatory and potentially damaging to the air force’s reputation and to US arms manufacturers. Despite not explicitly denying the possibility of a Patriot missile impact, the air force announced that US experts had joined the Ukrainian investigation into the crash.

Investigation into the Crash

A US defense official indicated that preliminary findings did not suggest the crash was caused by Russian fire, and investigations were underway to examine potential causes such as pilot error or mechanical failure. F-16s, which are capable of targeting Russian bases behind enemy lines, represent a potential asset in the ongoing conflict. Oleshchuk acknowledged that a thorough analysis of the crash was essential to determine responsibilities and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Significance of F-16s in the Conflict

The arrival of F-16s in Ukraine garnered positive responses from Ukrainian officials, who perceived them as an opportunity to counter Russia’s air dominance. Military analysts, however, have cautioned against expecting the jets to be a decisive factor in the war, given Russia’s substantial air force and advanced air defense capabilities.


The dismissal of Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk underscores the gravity of the F-16 crash and the Ukrainian government’s commitment to addressing concerns about military safety and effectiveness. As the investigation into the incident progresses, it remains to be seen whether the findings will impact the future use of F-16s in the conflict and the broader trajectory of the war.